Why do Wii Owner feel the need to Attack PS3?

Who really cares who wins?? i mean come on the wii has ensured nintendo enough money to pump out another console eventualy and thats all i care about .

I brought a Wii not because it had motion sensing or its graphics but because it had Zelda and metroid... i will buy a xbox360 for halo eventualy, and when they come down in price i will get a ps3 not because of the HD as i dont even have a tv that supports HD, and not because of the blu ray as nobody in aus can even tell its anything but a type of fish....but because the the ps3 has metal gear solid and devil may cry..

Each console is unique and everyone is going to have there favorite, Comparing them doesn't go anywhere and just ends up with a lot of pissed off people. You think a console is better than another console hey good for you, it no doubt is since each console focused on different things!!

Zomg wii has better controlls than the ps3!! i didn't see that coming ...
:O:O Ps3 has blu ray and wii doesnt z0MG its better!!!!
xbox 360 has xbox live NO WAY!!!!!!!

:shocked: Each console has something the others dont, comparing what you know was left out of a console against what was included in another is just stupid... Of course wii doesnt look as good they focuses on the controlls to provide great gameplay so why bring up the graphics... Boohoo ps3 costs alot but they made that choice so they could include bluray...its obviously not big a deal since there still selling....and xbox 360 of course it's graphics are fantastic....that was the point, theres no revolution in the controllers, no big changes, they just took what they knew worked and built on it, making a great console but nothing new.

So what it really comes down to is what console has the games you prefer and how do you prefer playing them. Do you love games that look great and controll like the last game you played. Or do you not care about hd and billionxbillion resolutions and are focuses on having fun and swinging your arms around like a madman? Or is devil may cry built into your dna so the ps3 is all you can think of....Everyone preferes different things and always will.... So stop making comparing threads.... label the thread "My completely biased opinion on the wii and ps3 *dont open if u have an open mind*" That way you can have your opinion and you wont get a whole bunch of people coming into the thread expecting something new but getting pissed off by the same old points and arguments that wher made in another thread only an hour earlier and wont end up flaming the crap out of you :p

For anyone that actualy got this far in my post excuse the spelling and giberish that it was :p just woke up >.<
3mpathy said:
Who really cares who wins?? i mean come on the wii has ensured nintendo enough money to pump out another console eventualy and thats all i care about .

I brought a Wii not because it had motion sensing or its graphics but because it had Zelda and metroid... i will buy a xbox360 for halo eventualy, and when they come down in price i will get a ps3 not because of the HD as i dont even have a tv that supports HD, and not because of the blu ray as nobody in aus can even tell its anything but a type of fish....but because the the ps3 has metal gear solid and devil may cry..

Each console is unique and everyone is going to have there favorite, Comparing them doesn't go anywhere and just ends up with a lot of pissed off people. You think a console is better than another console hey good for you, it no doubt is since each console focused on different things!!

Zomg wii has better controlls than the ps3!! i didn't see that coming ...
:O:O Ps3 has blu ray and wii doesnt z0MG its better!!!!
xbox 360 has xbox live NO WAY!!!!!!!

:shocked: Each console has something the others dont, comparing what you know was left out of a console against what was included in another is just stupid... Of course wii doesnt look as good they focuses on the controlls to provide great gameplay so why bring up the graphics... Boohoo ps3 costs alot but they made that choice so they could include bluray...its obviously not big a deal since there still selling....and xbox 360 of course it's graphics are fantastic....that was the point, theres no revolution in the controllers, no big changes, they just took what they knew worked and built on it, making a great console but nothing new.

So what it really comes down to is what console has the games you prefer and how do you prefer playing them. Do you love games that look great and controll like the last game you played. Or do you not care about hd and billionxbillion resolutions and are focuses on having fun and swinging your arms around like a madman? Or is devil may cry built into your dna so the ps3 is all you can think of....Everyone preferes different things and always will.... So stop making comparing threads.... label the thread "My completely biased opinion on the wii and ps3 *dont open if u have an open mind*" That way you can have your opinion and you wont get a whole bunch of people coming into the thread expecting something new but getting pissed off by the same old points and arguments that wher made in another thread only an hour earlier and wont end up flaming the crap out of you :p

For anyone that actualy got this far in my post excuse the spelling and giberish that it was :p just woke up >.<

good point 3mpathy
Ozweego said:
I am a concerned Wii owner who happens to own both the Wii and a PS3. Post after Post, all I see is Wii Fanatics dropping bombs on the PS3, and to tell you the truth I don’t understand why.
Wii, is a great system that gets people involved, physically. It may lack in Hi-Def and realism, but excels in sheer entertainment and interactive fun.
PS3, delivers unparalleled realism and Hi-Def supremacy but does not have the interactive factors that the Wii has.
In other words, both systems rock the Nex-Gen world on different fronts. To see post after post of why one is better then the other is a lost cause, simply because where they differ on all fronts, it is like comparing Apples to Oranges, they will never be on the same playing field, therefore never deserve to be compared to one another.
Unless you have both and can add some proven facts or personal opinions then stay away from bashing the other console, your swinging in the dark. Let’s praise the Wii for its entertainment factor and fun, and leave the PS3 out of the equation, your mealy sounding stupid when you try to compare the two.

Did you ever think that maybe by making this thread would make more people attack the PS3, because you are defending it on a Nintendo Wii Forum?
All three systems kick ass :) I own all 3 including a great gaming PC. It's just that this is a Wii forum and obviously we'll want the Wii to win. If you want maybe more balanced opinions, go to a non-console forum or a console forum in general. There, you'll find less Wii praise but of course, more PS3 praise :( Stubborn idiots who think their console is almighty
i hate these threads that talk about this, then all the people who reply suck ass and go like: i fully agree! i hate blind fanboys who bash other systems their all great!
then in the next thread their saying: yah ps3 blowz teh nutz and is a gimmicky copying piece of shiznit!!! wii rulez all!!!11
3mpathy said:
Who really cares who wins?? i mean come on the wii has ensured nintendo enough money to pump out another console eventualy and thats all i care about .

I brought a Wii not because it had motion sensing or its graphics but because it had Zelda and metroid... i will buy a xbox360 for halo eventualy, and when they come down in price i will get a ps3 not because of the HD as i dont even have a tv that supports HD, and not because of the blu ray as nobody in aus can even tell its anything but a type of fish....but because the the ps3 has metal gear solid and devil may cry..

Each console is unique and everyone is going to have there favorite, Comparing them doesn't go anywhere and just ends up with a lot of pissed off people. You think a console is better than another console hey good for you, it no doubt is since each console focused on different things!!

Zomg wii has better controlls than the ps3!! i didn't see that coming ...
:O:O Ps3 has blu ray and wii doesnt z0MG its better!!!!
xbox 360 has xbox live NO WAY!!!!!!!

:shocked: Each console has something the others dont, comparing what you know was left out of a console against what was included in another is just stupid... Of course wii doesnt look as good they focuses on the controlls to provide great gameplay so why bring up the graphics... Boohoo ps3 costs alot but they made that choice so they could include bluray...its obviously not big a deal since there still selling....and xbox 360 of course it's graphics are fantastic....that was the point, theres no revolution in the controllers, no big changes, they just took what they knew worked and built on it, making a great console but nothing new.

So what it really comes down to is what console has the games you prefer and how do you prefer playing them. Do you love games that look great and controll like the last game you played. Or do you not care about hd and billionxbillion resolutions and are focuses on having fun and swinging your arms around like a madman? Or is devil may cry built into your dna so the ps3 is all you can think of....Everyone preferes different things and always will.... So stop making comparing threads.... label the thread "My completely biased opinion on the wii and ps3 *dont open if u have an open mind*" That way you can have your opinion and you wont get a whole bunch of people coming into the thread expecting something new but getting pissed off by the same old points and arguments that wher made in another thread only an hour earlier and wont end up flaming the crap out of you :p

For anyone that actualy got this far in my post excuse the spelling and giberish that it was :p just woke up >.<
It does matter that a console wins because the money that the company make goes into its games(some). We all remembered the days were nintendo flurished and they made great games because there was no war with the systems.Its also just personal opinion like u said though
sracer said:
Nope, not one-sided at all... simply the facts as they are known.

Nice buzz-kill comment there. You could go scanning websites and blogs and you won't find anything about promises that Nintendo broke. The closest you can get is that they changed the name from "Revolution" to "Wii".

That's why you ended up owning a PS3. Because you didn't educate yourself. I made an informed purchase decision to buy the XBox 360 and Wii. I suggest that YOU do a little self-examination as to why you are so insecure that you feel the need to defend your purchase of a PS3. Spend more time educating yourself rather than complaining that people dislike an item (PS3) that you purchased. Do you have such little self-worth that you seek acceptance from others by buying "popular" items? :tard:

I was promised VGA cables!
lordsknightn said:
It does matter that a console wins because the money that the company make goes into its games(some). We all remembered the days were nintendo flurished and they made great games because there was no war with the systems.Its also just personal opinion like u said though

there were always console wars that i remember

1 nintendo nes vs sega master system
2 super nintendo vs sega genesis
3 super nintendo vs sega genesis w/ sega cd addon also with 32x addon

well only goin up to there cause you all know the rest of the wars and i think atari belongs in number 1 if i remember right i really dont remember. all remember was playing 2 games cause it was my older sisters one and she hardly ever let me play it lol . i might be wrong maybe some older gamer will remember as i was only like 5 or 6 years old wen i got my first video game console the nes
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