Wii's gun

registerednerd said:
also, for anyone who isn't convinced, look in the top picture, the analog stick sticks up above the surface of the gun, where the nunchuck's is flush against the surface
yeah man we know that is not the nunchuck its a part of the gun calm a little down :) :rolleyes:
"Listen and Learn"

Okay people.:D
The Wii Remote "Docks" into the Light Gun, which is an "Attachment" or "Shell". The "NunChuck" has nothing to do with this equation. It is its own separate "Shell". The Light Gun is essentially a different "Form" or "Version" of the NunChuck itself. And as for the "As far as I know there are no Light Gun games being made for the Wii." statement up there; since the Light Gun is bassically the NunChuck with a different look, it will be compatable with any game that the NunChuck is. I think that solves all of the issues people have been having on this thread.:rolleyes:
iCollins said:
Okay people.:D
The Wii Remote "Docks" into the Light Gun, which is an "Attachment" or "Shell". The "NunChuck" has nothing to do with this equation. It is its own separate "Shell". The Light Gun is essentially a different "Form" or "Version" of the NunChuck itself. And as for the "As far as I know there are no Light Gun games being made for the Wii." statement up there; since the Light Gun is bassically the NunChuck with a different look, it will be compatable with any game that the NunChuck is. I think that solves all of the issues people have been having on this thread.:rolleyes:
I hadn't thought of that. However, it is possible that the Wii can detect what controller attatchments are installed and force you to use the nunchuck. Also, the nunchuck has it's own motion controls, so depending on the control scheme of the game, the two parts may be required to move independantly. Your way would make some games much better, though.
The Gun Attachment

Ok just for people to start arguing it is a single attachment to the base of the Wii controaller. The nunchuck is not used with it, there is a analog stick on it as shown on the picture that guy posted above me. BTW the guy who said there is no game made to use it RED STEEL by Ubisoft. The first game ever to be shown for the Wii. I'm just wondering...for a guy who posts on a a website completely about the Wii how do you not know that?:tard: I mean you completely told what it was (what the attahment) but you didn't know about Red Steel?
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If they bring it out they will make loads of games for it i think red steel duck hunt and resident evil would be sweet!!!!!
I think the gun cradle will only be used for certain games. So for example it could be used for red steel, but not corruption. Because, lets say, the controlls for Red Steel only need a trigger, control stick, and motion sensor; the cradle would work fine. But lets say, for corruption, you need all the buttons on the wii mote and nunchuk attatchment to access all your beams, morphball, grapple beam, etc.; so only the nunchuk style would work.
You should be able to use the zapper for FPS, unless of course you need the nunchuk for it to work and there isn't someplace to plug it in, guess we'll see.
i think alot of people here forgetting about the analog stick which is placed above the handle and for first person shooter you would walk around with that and shot with your other fingers so even if the nunchuck could connect it purpose would be pointless
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