Different types of Wii Guns :) :)

Eh, I prefer nazi's...and yes. That is considered a triple post. Typing the same thing and having a posting error is more acceptable than 3 separate ideas that could have just as easily been differentiated by an empty line.
Hey all,

Honestly -- any units that combines the nunchuck and the remote are identical in function - just different layouts pretty much -- right?

I mean what's the diff between the zapper and the 2 in 1 listed above -- they both serve the same purpose... and have the same layout....

2 in 1 picture:

zapper picture:

See what I mean

Also, I guess it all comes down to which button will be the main trigger... That would dictate which layout is best -- the nunchuck as the trigger vs the remote as the trigger...

I wonder what the "shoot" button in the new resident evil will be...
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i like the handguns better.. get 2 of those handguns... get RE:UC.. nd im set for life xD dual wield nd play 2 players haha whooo gotta try dat!
Those hand guns just look so cool. I'll rather get two of those hand guns and zapper just for the Link bow thingy.
They should come out with a 1 player FPS that is designed to be used with two guns! now that would be awesome, it seems that you need the nunchuk for most of the games though which makes it tough at the moment. And I bet since nintendo didn't make the zapper wiimote only as an option there won't be to many of these games, if any which blows.
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Hello again...

Now that I look at it again -- the 2 in one gun that I talked about here is better (functionality-wise) than the zapper for 2 main reasons.

1) The Nunchuck can be removed on-the-fly without having to open any flaps, or undo anything


2) The trigger mechanism for the remote is extended so it can be located more near the normal position of a trigger (instead of reaching forward to use the actual 'B' Button.


Don't get me wrong, I am sure the zapper is just fine, but these 2 extra 'features' make this 2-in-1 more versatile...

Anyone have any thoughts?


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