Eurogamer reports today that a Nintendo spokesperson has been talking about the recent rumours regarding the Wii U’s graphics. According to a report on GamesIndustry International on Monday, anonymous developers and sources are saying that the Wii U is having trouble replicating the sort of visual quality that is achievable on Xbox 360 and PS3. One developer said that the Wii U is “not up to the same level as the PS3 or the 360”, adding, “the graphics are just not as powerful.” Another source backed up the first source’s comments, according to GamesIndustry International, saying “there aren’t as many shaders, it’s not as capable.” However, this source did say that “some things are better” on Wii U. Obviously such talk is quite concerning, so it’s no surprise that Nintendo has been moved to comment, making the following rebuttal via Yahoo’s Digital Trends:
“We do not focus on technology specs. We understand that people like to dissect graphics and processing power, but the experience of playing will always be more important than raw numbers.”
So there! And as Eurogamer notes, other developers, such as Virgil, who are making Darksiders 2, have been much more complimentary about the Wii U’s abilities when talking on the record.
Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-04-05-nintendo-responds-to-wii-u-power-reports