WiiPaint (Something cool for your Wii)


WiiChat Member
Dec 13, 2006
California, U.S.A.
Wii Online Code
So last night I spent several hours making this, because my computer kept freezing and I had to reboot 50 billion times. This is now my 3rd attempt at posting this thread.

Anyways, I figured out a way to increase the number of colors available in the Picture Channel of the Wii. Just put a color palette in the picture, but rather then just telling everyone about it, I figured I could make it for you so all you have to do is download the picture and send it to your Wii. (either via your SDcard or e-mail). You can also register me and send me a PM and I'll register you and send the picture to your Wii.

It's pretty straight-forward... there's a color palette on the left side of the picture, and the right side is left blank so you can draw whatever you want.

My original plan was to post a few drawings me and my girlfriend made, but I can't seem to send the pictures from the Wii to my e-mail, (apparently it's one way only). I have an SD card but lack a camera or other means of transfering the data to my computer.

I'd really like to know what people think about this because I spent so long working on it (with my computer freezing constantly) So yeah, if people posted the drawings they made on the Wii using "WiiPaint" in this thread. I think that would kick-ass.

Anyways, I'm tired of my computer freezing (I wrote this in NotePad, and the comp froze 4 times now).

Let me know what you think and feel free to pass this around... (Just please keep my e-mail on the picture).


WiiPaint --->

Oh, and if for some reason... you can't get the file this way, just message me and I can probably send it to you over the Wii.


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That fact that atleast two people are going to be using this, makes me a very happy person! ^_^ and it makes up for all the computer freezing frustration.
I cant use the Channel becuase I dont have any pics....I wish you could just use the channel to draw.
Does it need to be an attachment or do I just put a pic on from Imageshack?
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JerrodDRagon said:
Does it need to be an attachment or do I just put a pic on from Imageshack?

When I originally sent it to my Wii, from my computer I sent it as an attachment.
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Can people mention if they are actually using this? I'm curious. I'm dying to see some pictures made with it.
Lol, sounds cool. I haven't got my Wii yet, but I think I'm getting it for Chrstimas so I'll use this. :D
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Middi said:
anyone knocked a picture out yet? come on get it posted

I made a bunch of pictures, but I can't get it back onto my computer...
I have an SD card but no way to transfer the data to my computer.

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