What am I doing wrong?


Jul 19, 2007
New Jesey
Wii Online Code
I still can not send recieve e-mail with my Wii. No message ever gets sent to my computer e-mail. PLease tell me what I am doing wrong.
i had this same problem...

both you nd the other person have to add each other, and emails need to accept.

then you need to make sure that qwiiconnect 24 is on and you have set it too receive email from other wii's.

and last but not least, you can only recive mail when your wii is on stand by and wiiconnect 24 is on
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I've never seen an option to be able to recieve e-mail on the Wii. Also when you have the wiiconnect24 on it should be on to the net the whole time. I will take a look again I hope I am just over looking something.
Thank you for the tips.
Well, first of all go to Wii Message Board and then address book and add ur e-mail address.
Then you'll be able to receive ur email with your Wii.

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