Wouldn't it be cool if....

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  • #33
Thanks for that site, it helped with my anger problems. I vow to never call anyone hurtful names anymore.
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  • #36
Geez, if you guys think this is a bad idea then don't post. Why do you have to be so childish. Especiallly that Jarratt guy who wants to get layed by putting a picture of himself. Good Luck with that.
the_next_tiger said:
Geez, if you guys think this is a bad idea then don't post. Why do you have to be so childish. Especiallly that Jarratt guy who wants to get layed by putting a picture of himself. Good Luck with that.

What's your problem?

Lee has his opinions and you have yours, there's no need to personally attack people for having opinions.
Yeah lets give the rights to the biggest game on our system to our biggest enemy, sounds good to me.
the_next_tiger said:
Geez, if you guys think this is a bad idea then don't post. Why do you have to be so childish. Especiallly that Jarratt guy who wants to get layed by putting a picture of himself. Good Luck with that.

It's a message board, we're supposed to discuss what we think about different things. Lee has every right to post here just as much as you do. The only childish one here is you because you're constantly resorting to calling people gay.

Leave your self-hating closet problems out of the forums please, no one wants to know.
Nonetheless, for people with Wii's, yes it would be cool. If I still had my Wii, I'd be happy if it happened.

Edit : For chuff sake. This forum is getting stupid. Everyone just constantly arguing. There is literally no point, especially in this situation. The guy said 'would it be a cool idea for this to happen' and 'cause the chances of it not happening is null, you all flame him. Pfff... I have nothing else to say
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  • #41
Yah like Wiired, can be stay on topic please and dont trash others.
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Tiger, you're posts always make me laugh. Then they make me feel a bit sorry for you. =\
the_next_tiger said:
Yeah, but wouldn't it be totally awesome if it did happen. Then you could play Halo 3 on your Wii online against others playing on their 360. That would be a unified gaming world.
yeah but it be almost lopsided with the different controls, wii kids would be doin headshots left and right just by pointing a little dot on someones head, its just to easy and pathetic

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