Wiikly update for July 9

Damm! Nintendo needs to desparatly look at their release tactics and realize that some people bought the wii strictly for the VR. They need to stop dicking around with these bottom of the barrel titles. First, enough with the once a week BS and just get them out at a constant pace. Marketing strategy nothing, I'm not buying this crap now or ever. Second how about sticking to "nintendo" games. I'm sick of seeing TG games that I have never even remotely heard of. And lastly conentrate on getting the N64 titles out FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY. At the pace that they've set, what we're going to get just a few of those a year. Pathetic...
creativeone said:
Thanks for the info.
YET ANOTHER boring week.


You can't expect N64 games to keep being fired off like the other consoles are for VC. Anyway, Yoshi is another favorite of mine so I will be buying that. I need to buy 1000 points for $10. :scared:
DaPantz said:
I'm disappointed too, but I think that if they came out with the famous puzzle game this week, we'd have just as many people complaining that they're releasing a game too many people already own. So, I don't blame them for bringing obscure stuff that a lot of people missed the opportunity to play. I mean, it just makes sense to me.

I could not have said it better.
I think they know exactly what they're doing. They are putting all these crap games, so we'll think: eh, well, i have nothing to do with these points i have, I'll just buy that game.

So then when we have bought all these crappy games, they release the greater ones.
FR. said:
You can't expect N64 games to keep being fired off like the other consoles are for VC.

Why not? Are the simple and stupid games easier to release? I would find that hard to believe since the hardware emulators did not have any problems with individual games. Once the emulator was done, pretty much all of the games worked. I'm sure there's a strategy behind all of this, but it's apparently a big secret.
SixStringedStress said:
I could not have said it better.

yeah, because every day I regret "missing" the opportunity to play all of these TG16 games and Mach rider. Its like I was raised by wolves and missed the 80's.

I already gave them a chance by getting some of these games I "missed" and you know what? every time my instinct was right and the games sucked.
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ihatespam said:
Why not? Are the simple and stupid games easier to release? I would find that hard to believe since the hardware emulators did not have any problems with individual games. Once the emulator was done, pretty much all of the games worked. I'm sure there's a strategy behind all of this, but it's apparently a big secret.

If for no other reason, it simply takes longer to play through and use all aspects of a N64 game than any other game because of the size of the games and the complexity of the programming for those games compared to the older consoles. It simply takes longer to test an N64 game. Nintendo doesn't want it to kinda work, it *must* work and they *must* disclose what won't work.

Take Mario Kart for example. If they had simply started it and raced once and then said "yep, it works, release it." Imagine how upset people would be to later find out that they can't save ghost data. It wouldn't have mentioned that anywhere. Also, what if it appears to work but you can't actually finish rainbow road?

It takes time to test this stuff. I don't understand how so many on this board think Nintendo owes them the world in a week. Sit back, relax and enjoy what you have for once. Not everyone can polish off three games a month. Since Xmas I've only completed Zelda TP and I'm still working on Prime 2. Get out, get a job and for gods sake stop WHINING.
mym6 said:
Get out, get a job and for gods sake stop WHINING.

Please dont tell me, a consumer, not to whine about the product I spend my money on. Capitalism friend, capitalism. I can complain and complain all I want, and if they dont listen to me, then I buy a 360! Very simple. Seems like a basic right. People complain about every other product they buy. What better place to do it than on a feedback site.

I only whine because Im a fanboy and it hurts me so much when nintendo dicks with me.
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ihatespam said:
Give respect and you get respect. You'll probably learn that around 4th grade.

You're right, I write as if I have a sub 4th grade education and my avatar is not something I own. :worship:
mym6 said:
It takes time to test this stuff. I don't understand how so many on this board think Nintendo owes them the world in a week. Sit back, relax and enjoy what you have for once. Not everyone can polish off three games a month. Since Xmas I've only completed Zelda TP and I'm still working on Prime 2. Get out, get a job and for gods sake stop WHINING.

I'm quite happy to wait a little longer if it means they can weed out any problems. But don't forget that we are the consumer, and we're the ones who keep them in business. Therefore we have a right to expect top quality, not just "what we're given" (especially given the ridiculous prices they charge for VC games).
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Conan the Librarian said:
Please dont tell me, a consumer, not to whine about the product I spend my money on. Capitalism friend, capitalism. I can complain and complain all I want, and if they dont listen to me, then I buy a 360! Very simple. Seems like a basic right. People complain about every other product they buy. What better place to do it than on a feedback site.

I only whine because Im a fanboy and it hurts me so much when nintendo dicks with me.

I think you're missing my points though as there were two. I'm not stoked about what they release most of the time either but a lot of people act as if they're on the verge of killing their cat because Nintendo didn't release THEIR favorite game. Remind yourself that you as an individual represent close to nothing as far as what the market wants. All of the people wiichat.com don't even equate to a percentage of the market. Everyone here is a small voice compared to the whole market. You're input goes into the pot with thousands of others and if you're idea isn't in line with others, then it's just noise that is quickly forgotten.

A thread asking the age of people revealed what I always wondered, the majority of people posting here are young, many of them half my age. There are more people my age who look at these games and say "oh man I remember that, I'm getting it."

It's great that you complain because consumers drive the market, to an extent. Many companies can't simply run all of the time by telling consumers what they want. You have to admit that the Wii is a case of Nintendo telling consumers what they want. Now however they need to listen a bit to consumers but at same time, you can't be unrealistic in what you want.

This brings up my second point. It's unrealistic to expect Nintendo release N64 games at as fast a pace as the other consoles. There are limited resources in time, staff and everything else. The Wii is still difficult to find today, and it takes time to increase capacity in terms of building more hardware, hiring more testers and building/acquiring places for these people to do their work. We may very well see a ramp up in what is released after while, who knows.
Damn....that was a long one. OK, with all due respect sir. I dont freak out like they are killing my cat, so I dont think you were directing that at me. I just like to chime in occasionally and add a little humor to the thread. I dont think Nintendo is gonna read my post and respond accordingly. Thats not realistic, I just think this is a fun place to banter about with fellow gamers and NES fans. This is a lame form of social interaction, so you cant tell people what to say.

I am 27, and definitely not bragging about that fact. Most of my VC downloads are NES. I have about 10? not sure. But I would rather have 3 old school NES games that were worth a damn, any 3 randomly.....Track and Filed 2, Rush'n attack, Mega Man II, than ANY TG 16 games. Im old school. If you read my long winded posts in the past, I am a big Intellevision fan.

Hmmmm the rest I guess I agree with you. Especially if there are 1000 NES games and 100 N64 games. They would probably keep that same ratio as they distribute the games each week.

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