WiiConnect24 and Shopping channel not available yet?


WiiChat Member
Dec 12, 2006
I try to agree with the user agreement, but I always get that message.

I can't use the Shopping Channel, address book, WiiConnnect24 or anything online.

I use my USB Wi-Fi dongle, passed the connection test, updated to 2.0E.

Please help.

BTW I live in Europe, Croatia to be more precise.
We learned months ago the news and weather channel would not be available right away.

And WiConnect24 works perfectly, assuming you know what you are doing.
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vagrant said:
We learned months ago the shopping and weather channel would not be available right away.

And WiConnect24 works perfectly, assuming you know what you are doing.

NEWS and weather channel

shopping is up and running
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Well I fixed it. The problem was that in the settings, I've set the country to Croatia. Now it's UK and it works...
lazychildintime said:
Well I fixed it. The problem was that in the settings, I've set the country to Croatia. Now it's UK and it works...
Croatia... hmmm, I ve heard of that country somewhere.... The Terminal with Tom Hanks?

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