WiiConnect24 and Wii shop channel service is not currently being offered


WiiChat Member
Jan 21, 2007
I recieved my Wii a few days ago, and after setting up my wireless router and getting the Wii to download the updates, i now recieve the error message:

'WiiConnect24 and Wii shop channel service is not currently being offered'

When trying to agree to the agreement that allows you to access the online services.

I've done some research online and have found people with the same problem have had to get nintendo to send them a new Wii. Are there any other solutions known?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Aw, poor guys. Just call nintendo and they will help you :) The number is in the back of game booklets. Hope this helps
go to wii option select connet24 button.press it and agree the connet24 services. back wii menu and press the shop, this error message wii not appear again

Got the same problem here....any help ?

@MK2, we get this message WHEN we try to accept the agreement...
Yep, works. I have discovered this yesterday, 10 mins after i posted here :)
Sorry for the delay
how and where do i change my country?

How do I get my Wii Online Friend Code and online USERNAME?
I had to filled it when registered here, but I JUST GUESSED, I HAD NO IDEA.
to see your online friend code, clock the button at the bottom right of the main menu. three little buttons will pop up at the bottom of the screen. one of the is the Message Book. click that and your code will show up on the front.
The issue I have is that I can't get into my shop channel. All I wanted to do was download Harvest Moon. (-_-)

It's been 2 days. I've tried resetting my connection, every connection test goes through but the "update" never goes through (I don't need it anyway.). Every channel that relies on the net goes through. My net channel, check mii out, all of them are fine, EXCEPT my shop channel >_<

Help please?

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