WiiChat Team Championship

emmspokemon said:
hmmm ill go to where every 1 else is
i will likely go to almos place
where all the smart people(wuddlepook ect) seem to be going
The thing with Almo's (last time I checked) there was only a DS forum, nothing particularly for Pokemon (lolz). I've been going to another pokemon forum, but it's just too strict over there hence why I wanted a place to spam to an extent :lol:
WuddlePook said:
The thing with Almo's (last time I checked) there was only a DS forum, nothing particularly for Pokemon (lolz). I've been going to another pokemon forum, but it's just too strict over there hence why I wanted a place to spam to an extent :lol:

lol, i wanna spam soo much but can't T.T
oh well :p

i have a ditto that has defensive nature, and 31 ivs in defense if anybody needs a wall like shuckle or bastiodon.. maybe a cloyster, just ask...

ok, so i guess i passed around kyouh and arcadium
( danny said that arcadium said he couldn't battle )

i beat strype ( by luck )
i also beat toadsage
( i used my snorlax and terrorized his team! =D )
well just to tell u....i only do atk and sp atk(i dont like deffences)

well im leaveing wiichat(i mite visit)going to where every one else is goinf and i did went to merriland(hmmm its good) but never herd of Almo
ima try it
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diamond matt said:
well just to tell u....i only do atk and sp atk(i dont like deffences)

why not?
stalling is the most helpfull if you can pull it off right... btw... nice battle on PBR... it was fun... so i herd you liek my garchomps? lol... jk... but it was pretty strong..

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