WiiChat Team Championship

I need to battle Fer/Reaper. Just PM me when your ready.

[Yay me, I switched classes and I got French :ihih: ]
WuddlePook said:
I need to battle Fer/Reaper. Just PM me when your ready.

[Yay me, I switched classes and I got French :ihih: ]

good for you frenchy boy xD

anyway Pokechamp if you come here, pm me when your ready.
Umm...ILoveWii is on a different forum atm....He goes to that forum more than WiiChat.
Damn Flinchhax... I believe I'm going to lose my match. Oh and please fer when you battle me, PM me. Sometimes I'm doing something like munching on a steak and don't want to stop in the middle of it[reaper >.>]

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