WiiChat Team Championship

toadsage said:
doesnt every1
i hope i dont lose like last time:prrr:
heheheh, i hatched 16 pokemon yesterday (random) and 1 of them had all perfect ivs!
and 6 of them had ivs that actually were usefull... the other eight... all crap...
so i will be training them soon (some have bad natures) but that alone wont stop me! :D
PokeChamp said:
heheheh, i hatched 16 pokemon yesterday (random) and 1 of them had all perfect ivs!
and 6 of them had ivs that actually were usefull... the other eight... all crap...
so i will be training them soon (some have bad natures) but that alone wont stop me! :D
lol good job i hatched one pokemon with perfect ivs. and the rest i got in traes!
the only way to make sure you get pokes with good ivs are to have parents that have good ivs because the egg randomly gets one iv from each parent. example, one parent has 31 in atk, the other has 31 in speed. i am pretty sure their is a 1/12 chance of the egg to have 31 ivs in both of the stats/
freebutter said:
lol good job i hatched one pokemon with perfect ivs. and the rest i got in traes!
cool, i have such awesome luck at iv breeding pokemon, you wouldn't beleive it!
eplasmosis said:
just posting to its suscribed....
hey teddy, how many times can an umbreon use moonlight? oh yeah, eight times, well "freebutter" has used it over eight times in our match.. so i wont call it a fair battle... is that reasonable?
Reaper12324 said:
lol, i heard that he hacks or has hacked pokemon.
me two, and im not so sure about his starmie being legit.... seems odd.... all the rumors, the umbreon, the shiny, the impersonation.... i think he should be banned, because of the impersonation. then he comes back and acts like everything is fine and asks me for a larvitar....

im tired of this crap, either battle me legit, or don't bother at all...
eplasmosis said:
yea see waht i mean. yes its 8 times. and i say freebutter hacks cuz its true, but hes denying it.
ya i thinks he hacks too, cause he managed to kill my blissey that has max sp def and 710 hp in one hit with a focus blast from his alakazam. wasnt even a critical and he wasnt using choice specs.
ok he hacks, my 405 is max and my alakazam has 404 sp atk. can do about 2/7 hp dmg to a blissey. OK here it is:

everyone who thinks freebutter hacks, PM ayo saying that u call for him to be disqualified.

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