WiiChat Doubles Open

ok everybody whats the big deal. freebutter a.k.a. butterfree. it was his little brother pulling a prank on him. i saw the whole thing. i can even post it on youtube i mean this so much. i am his best friend and i should know. he goes to church. why do you think so? he is a nice guy. tons of people from our street use his computer. since we live in a poor neighborrhood. and him and me have money.
weavile09 said:
ok everybody whats the big deal. freebutter a.k.a. butterfree. it was his little brother pulling a prank on him. i saw the whole thing. i can even post it on youtube i mean this so much. i am his best friend and i should know. he goes to church. why do you think so? he is a nice guy. tons of people from our street use his computer. since we live in a poor neighborrhood. and him and me have money.
oh, so now hes the good guy?
he had impersonated me....i still dont trust him..or you (butterfree)
dude u guys beleive watever u hear just cause they say butterfree did it doesnt mean he did thats just plan out sad. or and pokechamp im not butterfree im his friend
everyone stop ganging up on butterfree and sure it wernt him and please just stop to keep everyones sanity:lol:
Mods can track down the IP adress of computers and both of you were the same.... And if your his best friend why did he tell you bout WiiChat earlier? It's your second post, PLUS, I bet you can't make freebutter go on right now at the same time as you, and don't tell me he's at your house or he is busy.

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