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This may be a bit revealing, but it is the slowest baton passer, so you could use a status effect, stock pile, and then switch
Strype McClaine said:
This may be a bit revealing, but it is the slowest baton passer, so you could use a status effect, stock pile, and then switch
At all evolutions, actually Ariados is the slowest Baton Passer I believe
Slimi said:
What is the second best baton passer? I know ninjask is best
Ninjask isn't necessarily the "best" it's just the most commonly used. Against a Ninjask, it's pretty much always a predicted Baton Pass. All you have to do is just keep hacking away at it and hope they switch into the wrong move.

Ambipom and Togekiss can Baton Pass Nasty Plots over. You can use Celebi and Mew as a baton passer, it won't be easily predicted. Otherwise fool them with a BP Huntail or Gorebyss [I'm just kidding]

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