WiiChat Doubles Open

freebutter said:
hey dude you did good in the tourney you should be captain. if not there are alot of good people here.

Why worry about that right now. I have two matches left, one vs Massi4h/JC depending on who wins, and then potently danny. If I stop training pokes to have in my reserve stock then I can't expect to have half a chance against either of them. On the issue of captains, if we all were leaders who would follow us?
Uh, Ayo, might i add that u should take out the 1 legend MAX rule out? i really think that they shouldnt been allowed. Legendaries are naturally much stronger than regular, and it wouldnt be fair for ppl like m to go up against them. If anthing, it should be that legends can only be used if both players agree.
yep u shud take out the one ledgend max and dont allow ubers either +

u shud only be able to uuse regular pokes
um, like 1 or 2 pages ago, there are 2 ppl called fateddy123 and fadnny34. they r very sucky, so i think u should make one of the teams massi4h, chicagoan, fadanny34, and fateddy123. that way, it should be more fair
eplasmosis said:
um, like 1 or 2 pages ago, there are 2 ppl called fateddy123 and fadnny34. they r very sucky, so i think u should make one of the teams massi4h, chicagoan, fadanny34, and fateddy123. that way, it should be more fair
does it occur to you that there has been many people (or just one)
being a jack*enter word here* lately.......it is kinda funny to see these dweebs trying to make others pissed off.....:lol:
really? the theme for the next one is teams?! Yay xD
if anyone wants me to be in their team PM me please :D

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