WiiChat Doubles Open

WuddlePook said:
Sounds like to me you were discrediting yourself in some odd way/form :wtf: You know your actually a pretty good battler ._.
Hehehehe hehe, well I am pretty good now, I switched up some moves and twisted my strategy and am predicting better now
Slimi said:
Hehehehe hehe, well I am pretty good now, I switched up some moves and twisted my strategy and am predicting better now
you might want to replace t-tar with ice-shard donphan, that should take care of garchomp/any dragon
PokeChamp said:
you might want to replace t-tar with ice-shard donphan, that should take care of garchomp/any dragon
depends, an ice shard donphan has to either have at leats 350 attack (i think) to OHKO a garchomp with 420 life and decent defences. But a choice band donphan will OHKO it no problem
PokeChamp said:
your welcome! ^.-
how well does it do vs physical pkmn?

ayo, not every1 has that garchomp...
Good! but sucks like **** vsing special pkmn, shadow cllaw did only about 30 dmg to it
PokeChamp said:
your welcome! ^.-
how well does it do vs physical pkmn?

ayo, not every1 has that garchomp...
im just saying its not a guranteed OHKo like everyone would think, so he dont start calling someone a hacker wen they arent
Slimi said:
Good! but sucks like **** vsing special pkmn, shadow cllaw did only about 30 dmg to it
wuddlepooks dusknoir cant do crap to it! i want nuther one...

btw, when i EV train and breed, i do a dam good job! :lol:
PokeChamp said:
wuddlepooks dusknoir cant do crap to it! i want nuther one...

btw, when i EV train and breed, i do a dam good job! :lol:
But my Dusknoir can burn most of your team, and use destiny bond to it's heartless content :yesnod:
WuddlePook said:
But my Dusknoir can burn most of your team, and use destiny bond to it's heartless content :yesnod:
well i guarantee that a curselax would piss you off! :lol:

slimi, figures you would, you have 4 of marrilands pkmn, and he kicks @$$!

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