WiiChat Doubles Open

emmspokemon said:
hows it going guys,i havnt been here all day!

oh yeah

well i was in the trophy garden,i used the poke rader but i was watching tv at the same time looked at the DS screan and there was a shiny staravia and a female to
so my only non-hacked shiny is a shiny staravia
im so pround to have her
i named her Brillo,i just coulnt belive it
how would you know if its shiny or not before the battle?
do you have more of a chance when the patch is shiny?

btw, im thinking of dropping out...
danny7147551 said:
dont drop out just try ur best
well duh! :lol:.... i just think i cant beat massi4h... even if i knew his team... im just not good...

and wuddle, not doing that... just feel like taking a break and re-creating a new team..
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Bla bla bla, if all your going to do is say I'm going to drop out of the tourney and hope someone will try to encourage you to go back in and bla bla bla Don't Join! ._.'' Your wasting other peoples time
PokeChamp said:
well duh! :lol:.... i just think i can beat massi4h... even if i knew his team... im just not good...

and wuddle, not doing that... just feel like taking a break and re-creating a new team..

oh and pokechamp, when you say you can't(i put in the 't, because your sentence doesnt make sense without it >.>) beat massi4h, then say you cant because your not good enough, Your kinda underestimating strype,lolz and J.C, which is a bad thing

*crap soz for the double post*
later matt, have a nice trip -trips matt- :lol: see u next fall :lol:

ok....so who is left in the tourney
wario2ooo said:
later matt, have a nice trip -trips matt- :lol: see u next fall :lol:

ok....so who is left in the tourney
4 people from the right side

(i hope someone can stop massiah from getting to the finals)
i just finished ev training a legend for the tourny. i figured i'd just be at a disadvantage without one.
Finely got my new laptop and got it up and running, still installing programs.
Man wii chat looks soo much better when its not all f-ed up by a glitchy laptop screen.
Lol, wiichat would be better with a usb keyboard [my r button is broken off so i have to paste r whenever i type]
And isn't it spelled sensei, not sensi [in sig]

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