WiiChat Doubles Open

well, strype doesnt appear to be someone that d/cs. it might be the server...it prolly is. i d/ced against danny 3 times today. (DANNY I DIDNT PRESS PWER OR DC ON PERPOSE!!!)
Got disconnected once today with butterfree too...
and same with eplasmosis I highly doubt Strype would so something like that...
Yeah I haven't ever had a DC in Pokemon before so I don't think it could be my connection.

Danny, if I'm in the final I've only got 15 minutes. After that I have another class for an hour then we should be OK to battle at. Which is 9:30 PM EST. That will be lunch time for me so I won't be on a computer.
I don't mind ubers, and if my hunch is right, I know who it is too.

And at this point, however, I may as well say
My legend of choice, is Uxie. Who, since her eyes are ALWAYS CLOSED, I thought, why not a sleep talker. So her build

Modest @ Life Orb
252 Hp / 123 Defense / 123 Special defense
Sleep Talk

This is the only pokemon of mine, that at this time I will happly reveal.
It was a great match verus Massi4h. Fairly close, I had a few missed hits that were really annoying, but I can't complain about it.
Good match.

This is also me declaring the match a loss for me. Their is no way my last tank, could beat his XXXXXX, XXXXXX, and his unseen legend.
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Yeah nice Uxie there. It was pretty good. GG.

And Danny read what I wrote at the bottom of the last page.
Yup, well an hour and 10 minutes. See you there and good luck to you. I think while you're waiting you should play Strype, he's bloody good and it'd be nice to see who wins out of you two.
massi4h said:
Yeah nice Uxie there. It was pretty good. GG.

And Danny read what I wrote at the bottom of the last page.

My best team plan, was to have EQ resisting pokes, and then have something constantly ripping EQ's. My opener, if done right, is U-turning into Uxie, and them ripping an EQ. Best strategy I could come up with for a while.
EVERYONE THAT WAS IN THE TORNY OR STILL IS COME HERE AND POST WHO DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO WIN and also if you voted for Strype, change your vote, he got knocked outta the torny

Danny - 75%

Massi4h - 25%

8 vote


Hey, I'm back, awww, I was routing for Strype, anyways, I'm going camping tomorrow and will be back on the 19th or 20th, if your making a new torny ayo, can I join? But I will have to battle my first battle early tomorrow or on the 20th. Massi4h can I battle you? I will get owned. I suck, pleaes rate my team, it is on one of the last pages of the rate my team thread. But rate it AFTER I battle you, if we battle.

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