Wii Zapper

Lewi T said:
ok i guess i was being a bit picky with how it looks, i probably wouldn't be happy until somebody brought out a completely new controller that was shaped like a real gun, being solely for the use of FPS's...i know it'd cost more but i'd certainly buy it!

do u agree about the fire button though? that it should be Z?

3rd party attempts at a gun holder type thing have been pretty poor, although i did like the look of the handgun type one (http://technabob.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/wii_lightgun.jpg)

In the current non-zapper setup, I prefer using B. However, I also ADAMANTLY believe that gamers should have tons of customizability with their controls--you should be able to remap all buttons to whichever setup you like.
Wiinter said:
In the current non-zapper setup, I prefer using B. However, I also ADAMANTLY believe that gamers should have tons of customizability with their controls--you should be able to remap all buttons to whichever setup you like.
Oh of course I prefer using B with the non-zapper setup, I just meant with the zapper, Z is the more obvious trigger button and I would be a bit disappointed if I was forced to use B...but yeah, I completely agree that you should be able to remap all buttons to however you like, or just at least change the fire button if need be.

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