Wii zapper questions


Mohh2 Name: TheHater
Jun 19, 2007
Ok, I've got a couple o' questions:

Is there a way to buy the zapper without Crossbow training because I noticed most of the upcoming zapper games are multiplayer and I don't want to buy 2 links crossbow training games.

If there isn't, is there any other wii gun that is perfectly compatible with all of the zapper games? I thought some of the wii guns couldn't use the nunchuck, and I know the nunchuck is required at least for RE umbrella chronicles.

lastly, It would be nice to know the price of these other wii guns that are compatible with zapper games

Thanks in advance
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Maybe you should try purchasing the brando gun?
Haha, it's pretty cheap.

It only costs $20..

I suggest buying Ghost Squad (comin in nov 20) which is $30

An On-rail shooter starter Kit :D
thats a good idea phillepino, you can get the game and the piece that will make it awesome for the price of one normal game
i want the zapper with links crossbow training, and then i wanna get either ghost squad or medal of honor heroes 2(im kinda leaning towards moh)
I was just offered to buy a zapper today which is before the release date but didnt cause i just spent all my money on Zelda and Metroid.. Thanks for slanging them to managers at stores before they sell. He told me 20 bucks and it was sealed.. wiiiii
Hey all,

I thought the Zapper was the first unit made that combined the nunchuck AND the remote --

Well, they have THIS at circuity city now. I looked at it, and it also combines both. So, other than the look, there's really no functional difference -- correct? Actually - this unit comes apart to use them separately quickly during game play -- so it may actually be MORE versatile than the zapper...

What you do you think?



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