Wii vs Xbox

lenitao said:
the thread says: wii vs xbox360...so everybody can tell his opinion normally and peacefully without the use of "hell" and other hateful words...
you hate wii as it seems, and you are here to say it's "damn"??

Dont put words in my mouth and I use words like "damn" everyday and I wont change that for some forum. Dont even try talking to me like some kid. Peacfull or not I explained why the 360 is better and I dont need a little punk like you telling me I hate the Wii and I shouldnt be in this forum. The 360 is a better machine. Again read the DAMN topic!!
Well if your going to get a new 2006/2007 Game System maybe you should get rid of your 1980,s tv lol
i didn't said you should not be in the forum....but just to be more peaceful....
it's your own decision how you express your thoughts..i can't change it.... ..but..never mind...I'M BORED OF ALL THIS!!!

the post of "psyichic" is what i was thinking,too...!!!
dont act like a kid, lethal and we wont treat you like one.
its ok to say you think the xbox is better, but when someone says the wii is better you just call them a fanboy??
Well, If were gona argue about graphics here the 360 has the wii beat, no doubt. But if it comes down to better gameplay and such, its all personal opinion.

This thread should have been done pages ago...
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Lethal said:
Spoken like a true fanboy lol. Dont be proud of the 360 games? Why the hell not? They are better than any other systems games. And you talk about this great gameplay on the Wii. WHAT GREAT GAMEPLAY? LMAO! The controls are delayed and not very responsive. Ya thats great gameplay! Geez I hope no more fanboys try to make the Wii sound like the best invention ever. Hell it has the same graphics as the Gamecube that failed misserably. Thumbs way up Nintendo!!!!!!!!
my controls are just as responsive as a normal controller... and the delay is not even noticeable. In my opinion the wii will be the better in the long run as we are not going for the same old gaming style, we need something new, without this the gamng industry will never expand, so i nthe long run go for the wii, but if you are very impatient go for the xbox.

Also i am fed up of people saying "your just a nintendo fanboy" from everyone who slates the wii. If you think the consol is good you are not a fanboy, it just means you understand what nintendo are doing, they are bringing fun back into games, which we all need.
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Lethal I am waiting for your response to what I said. You seem to call people who prefer the Wii immature yet you seem to only respond to the immature posts.

Also as said you call everyone here who feels the Wii is better a fanboy. Yet you yourself are a fanboy in every sense of the world and that simply makes you a hypocrite.
DID U KNOW WHATS FUNNY GUYS?! u all say the ps3's gameplay is crap, yet u praise the 360 is good. Ps3 has better gameplay than 360 due to its 6 axis blue tooth. At a minimum the gameplay is the same between both 360 and ps3. 360 has not motio nsensing at all. So guess what that makes u guys?! KIDTENDO FANBOYS!!!!!
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oky first..... I like all the consoles. I play for fun and if I could buy all, i would. But the most part and i would consider a wii is that its actaully different from other games. Its like a whole new console. Ps3 has its graphics, ya watever, but gamers go for graphics? I think they would go for gameplay. So I'm saying that whatever console your getting be happy with it and dont regret it.
darthbeaverxp said:
DID U KNOW WHATS FUNNY GUYS?! u all say the ps3's gameplay is crap, yet u praise the 360 is good. Ps3 has better gameplay than 360 due to its 6 axis blue tooth. At a minimum the gameplay is the same between both 360 and ps3. 360 has not motio nsensing at all...so guess what that makes u guys?! KIDTENDO FANBOYS!!!!!
Oh no,theres no motion sensing in a 360 controller.No wonder my car never turns.And a fu**ing controller doesn't ensure a great experiance in a game retard.also bluetooth?isnt that **** screwing up the game play.cause i dont see microsoft or nintendo using it.And how you gonna say the ps3 and xbox gameplay is the same,when you said in the last sentence the ps3 has better gameplay.you have no reason to be in this forum,all you do is come in here and trash everything about the Wii.Your possibly the only fanboy in here who last this long.And how does xbox not having motion sensing make us "kidtendo fanboys"?
please for all of america and your parents,go kill your self.
psyichic said:
Also as said you call everyone here who feels the Wii is better a fanboy. Yet you yourself are a fanboy in every sense of the world and that simply makes you a hypocrite.

Stating facts does not make me a fanboy buddy. You can talk and praise the Wii all you want but in reality its not what everyone hoped for. Read the topic title bud. Whats the better buy? If you think Wii then your a moron plain and simple. If your poor than go for the Wii. Im done arguing with children. I own all 3 systems and I am no fanboy to either. I just know the facts.
hey aus guys, have any of you been able to visit Wii parade and have peopel actually on parade,? iv tride several times to no avail, and yes i have my Wii=net working and all that jizz (i DL toejam and earl and mario 64, FTW!!!) but i just cant seem to see anyone on Wii parade... aww well.

Peace out
actually..i agree with darthbeaverxp, what he said is more or less true...

psychono2...don't act like that...LOL.....
psychono2 said:
Oh no,theres no motion sensing in a 360 controller.No wonder my car never turns.And a fu**ing controller doesn't ensure a great experiance in a game retard.also bluetooth?isnt that **** screwing up the game play.cause i dont see microsoft or nintendo using it.And how you gonna say the ps3 and xbox gameplay is the same,when you said in the last sentence the ps3 has better gameplay.you have no reason to be in this forum,all you do is come in here and trash everything about the Wii.Your possibly the only fanboy in here who last this long.And how does xbox not having motion sensing make us "kidtendo fanboys"?
please for all of america and your parents,go kill your self.
Go kill myself? thats not a very cool thing to say dude, ur obviously immature. You havn't even met me, and it wouldnt be doing America any good, so at least make up some realistic insults. SO if u say a controller doesnt ensure good game experience, how come u praise ur virtual tv remote of a controller for wii. Oh so say that controllers are put aside. Well then, gameplay for wii sucks, if you're gonna do **** like slap monkeys. In redsteel u shoot and swing a sword in first person. In devil may cry 4, u will be able to do that only with a variety of guns and melee weapons combined into combos alogn with devil trigger. Ps3 already has call of duty 3. Those racing games of urs, are gonna function the same as ps3's motorstorm only urs has crap graphics. I said at a MINIMUM the gameplay would be the same between ps3 and 360, so learn how to read , or have u not gotten past whinnie the pooh books yet? And I meant that u harping about how ps3 gameplay sucks when its better than the 360 makes u fanboys cas it obviously just shows u refuse to accept anything positive from the ps3 and u just bash it. So yeah psycho alot of u guys say "ps3 gameplay sucks, all u do is press buttons on plastic when the wii is virtual"...so if ur referring to the games themselves then as i said before, that gameplay sucks, itsl ittle kid gameplay, i dont like playing pokemon, i dont like playing mario, i dont like playing monkey ball, theres a lot of games on ps3 that will be like red steel just not virtual, ps3 has better racing games than the ones on the wii with crap graphics, and any other good game is usually a mult platformer. Blue tooth is supposed to screw up gameplay? Are u having fun making up random crap? Actually, blue tooth is meant for motion sensing, not near like wiis but its meant for motion sensing. At least my negative comments on wii are true, they're a matter of opinion because I dont like the games for it, and i don't like the graphics, and the only good thing about it is its controller, but its kind of wasted if u have no good games to use that on. Now you need to make up some realistic negatives for ps3 to actually try and put up a real arguement. I try to be as polite as i can when i say i dont like the wii, but its fanboys are really immature and their mind is set to stone that the ps3 and sony sucks. At least most mature people that have played a ps3, but dont like it, wont rant on about how it sucks, and if they do they will do it intelligantly. Like ur comment "bluetooth?isnt that **** screwing up the game play" shows me that ur not with it.
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