Need advice and help on Wii LAN connection


WiiChat Member
Sep 15, 2007
Hello, i'm gettin a Nintendo wii next week and i'm buying a LAN adaptor so i can play online. I have a standard DSL modem(Thompson speedtouch 330) (not router,dont want to buy1 really) and a free ethernet port at the back of my pc. Can i plug a ethernet cable into the Nintendo wii LAN adaptor then straight to my pc and access the internet that way on the Nintendo wii? if it helps i play xbox live that way(ethernet in back of xbox to pc) so i know i can get a internet connection thorugh their. Thankz
I've never done this. I've always used a router or hub to make a little lan network. However, I seem to remember something about crossover cables that directly communicate between two ethernet cards or two hubs/routers. Anyone know anything about that as far as how to make one? I know there are some instructions from somewhere I saw that told you how to create one but I've never had to use it since I don't have a large network. I only have two computers and a Wii.

I edited to clarify what the crossover cable did. Direct communication between two ethernet cards or two hubs/routers. The way I originally wrote it didn't come out right :)
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