Wii started making drive noise and error occurred???


WiiChat Member
Nov 15, 2007
We have had the wii since last christmas. It is mainly used by my wife and I. It worked a week ago. Tuesday we bought Mario Galaxy. It did an update when it was inserted. It then said to turn off the power. We did and it came back up to the wii menu. When you try to load Mario it makes a drive searching kind of noise and eventually says an error has occurred. First we returned the disk, but the new one does it also. We put in other disks and they are having problems as well. I figure it is one of three things. 1. time/use has broken it.(odd since there was no warning) 2. The people we had house sitting broke it by forcing a disk or something.:)mad5: nuff said) 3. The update somehow messed it up.(I would think others would be having the same problem)

So what do you guys think?
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No mod chip. Since posting this, I solved the problem for the time being. I turned it on its side.(the skinny side). I figured if it was an arm problem laying flat maybe the different direction would help. It did! I am now more convinced it has to be a disc forced in or something by the little monsters that stayed here over the weekend. Any thoughts??
It sounds like a disc was forced in. Just to be safe I'd backup all of your save data and vc games to an sd card just in case your wii breaks. I backup my stuff after I'm done playing for the day.
My drive starting making a loud noise too, then i got errors. It was only only on a couple of games at first but eventually it happened on all games after about a month. If yours is showing these symptoms then id advise considering sending it for repair before its warranty runs out.

I sent mine off to Nintendo for repair last week (just before my warranty ran out) and just got it back today, working perfectly again. :D All my Miis and calender are still there but i have to download my VC games again.
raisinghelen said:
My drive starting making a loud noise too, then i got errors. It was only only on a couple of games at first but eventually it happened on all games after about a month. If yours is showing these symptoms then id advise considering sending it for repair before its warranty runs out.

If you register your Wii at Nintendo.com, you get an addition 3 month extension to the one year Nintendo warranty. So even if you bought you Wii on launch day (and you registered it) you've got until sometime in February before the warranty would expire.

Note that this is in the US, I can't vouch for other countries.

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