Advice on "Error Occurred" problem


Nintendo Vet
Dec 31, 2007
Chicago, IL
Wii Online Code
Ok, so I just got my Wii for Christmas and it seems about once a day I get the problem where it goes to read the disk and I get the black screen saying "Error Occurred, please turn off the Wii, etc...". I've looked on here and it seems others have this problem, so I'm wondering if this is a common thing? Is it something I should be concerned about and have fixed by Nintendo? Or is it something most Wii's do from time to time and I should just deal with it? The Wii is only a week old so it concerns me that I'm already having problems with it.

One more thing, is there a way to power OFF the Wii or is it always in standby mode and you have to physically unplug it to shut it off?
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dont know bout the first thing but the second Q do u mean when it turns red if u do mean that then no u have to plug it out
Same problem here

I feel your pain - we got a Wii for our daughter's Christmas present and it worked fine for three days before we started getting the "An Error has occurred" message. I too couldn't turn the unit off without unplugging it before I disconnect Wiiconnect24. I also noticed that it got very hot before I disabled Wiiconnect24.

The error happens mostly with Wii Sports and Wii Play, but has also happened with Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games. I called Nintendo and they are sending replacement discs for Sports and Play. If that doesn't work I think the only fix is to send the unit back to Nintendo. A huge disappointment since I've owned all their consoles since the NES.

As far as the powering down issue, try disabling WiiCOnnect24. When you want to use it you can just re-enable it and it will remember all your router settings.
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Defragged said:
I feel your pain - we got a Wii for our daughter's Christmas present and it worked fine for three days before we started getting the "An Error has occurred" message. I too couldn't turn the unit off without unplugging it before I disconnect Wiiconnect24. I also noticed that it got very hot before I disabled Wiiconnect24.

The error happens mostly with Wii Sports and Wii Play, but has also happened with Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games. I called Nintendo and they are sending replacement discs for Sports and Play. If that doesn't work I think the only fix is to send the unit back to Nintendo. A huge disappointment since I've owned all their consoles since the NES.

As far as the powering down issue, try disabling WiiCOnnect24. When you want to use it you can just re-enable it and it will remember all your router settings.

I'll give the WiiConnect24 disable a try, never thought of that. I also just got off the phone with Nintendo and I'm sending mine back to either be replaced or fixed. I'm not messing around with swapping discs considering the system is only a week old! What it sounds like is that maybe a batch bad got released and some of us were unfortunate enough to get one that doesn't quite work right. Oh and mine was the same, worked fine for about 3 days and then while playing Guitar Hero III, I got the black screen of doom. Since then, it's happened intermittently with all games. Oh well, I guess I'll have time to actually go to the gym since I won't have a Wii for a week or two!
Yep, same thing happened to ours, and it lasted for exactly 3 days of play as well. Bought Oct. 9, 2007. Opened on Christmas. Played for 3 days (out of town other days), and died on New Years Eve. I couldn't make it read either of the two disks we have at all anymore. It's back at Nintendo being repaired right now.

What a huge disappointment as my kids were off from school until tomorrow. Wish it would have waited another week to die so they could play with it on their vacation.


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