Wii Sports High Scores

Updated Scores :

Returning Balls - 87 - PLATINUM

Power Throws - 836 - PLATINUM
I got 8 strikes!!!!
Updated scores:

Hitting Home Runs - 10 - 1654

And finally, a top score (for now):
Swing Control - 72
High Scores

Returning Balls - Platinum - 85
Swing Control - Silver - 53
Power Throws - Platinum - 754

I am a Pro in Tennis with a score of over 2200.
Two updates... first is nothing big, second I'm quite happy with...

Power Throws - Silver 534 (was 513)
Hitting the Green - Platinum - 49.1 ft (15.0 meters) :cool:

Got on a roll on hitting the green - first shot was 2.8, second was 3.3, and then I managed to sink the next two. Fifth shot was 4.0 ft. 5 shots in and I was at 10.1 feet. Then I survived the 6th green, which usually hurts me, and the rest was gravy.
sandbird said:
Hitting the Green - Platinum - 49.1 ft (15.0 meters) :cool:

Got on a roll on hitting the green - first shot was 2.8, second was 3.3, and then I managed to sink the next two. Fifth shot was 4.0 ft. 5 shots in and I was at 10.1 feet. Then I survived the 6th green, which usually hurts me, and the rest was gravy.
Well done! :)
Here are my up to date high scores:

Returning Balls
64 - Gold
Timing your Swing
42 - Gold
Target Practice
29 - Gold

Hitting Home Runs
10 - 5307' - Gold
Swing control
58 - Gold
Batting Practice
27 - Gold

Picking up spares
17 - Gold
Power Throws
626 - Gold
Spin control
18 - Gold

10 - Gold
Hitting the Green
86.1' - Gold
Target Practice
645 - Gold

Working the Bag
18 - Bronze
68 - Silver
Throwing Punches
27 - unranked
Returning Balls
49 pts - Silver

Timing Your Swing
41 pts - Gold

Target Practice
17 pts - Silver

Picking Up Spares
14 pts - Silver

Power Throws
542 pts - Silver

Sping Control
18 Lanes - Gold

Target Practice
535 pts - Silver

Working the Bag
19 pts - Bronze

78 pts - Silver

Throwing Punches
32 pts - Bronze

Returning Balls - 52 pts - Gold
Target Practice - 21 pts - Gold

Hitting the Green - 124.4 ft - Gold

Working the Bag - 36 pts - Gold

**You know, they have a similar thing, more organized, at elitescores.com - we can post there and not have to have Wiily Good keep updating every time we post a new score - though I know I really appreciate that!! It's hard work!
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I may be wierd but I really like the whole updating thing. Its very systematic so it doesn't take much time at all.

I've heard of EliteScores but I think this post is more personal. Like I see ahh usatraveler got 30 in Batting Practice. Now, when I see another post by usatraveler I remember, Ahh this is that really good baseball player.

Oh yeah, also just got 42 Platinum in Target Practice. Yah, all Platinum medals in tennis.

Great scores sandbird.
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