Wii Sports High Scores

42 on Tennis Target Practice - Platinum! I have a pick if you need proof of it :)
Ok heres my scores

Returning balls - 50 - gold
Time your swing - 13 - bronze
Target practice - 16 - silver

Hitting home runs - 5 - 811m - bronze
swing control - 26
batting practice - 21 - silver

picking up spares - 5
power throws - 502 - silver
spin control - 8 - bronze

putting - 6 - bronze
hitting the green 84.2 - bronze
target practice - 430 - silver

working the bag - 19 - bronze
dodging - 56 - bronze
throwing punches - 22
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Yeah I definately need a pic of that power throws score. Just worked it out, 878 is only 12 pins short of perfect.

Also, just got 20 on Spin Control.
All I missed was 2 pins on the very first throw, striked all the rest

If I remember, i'll get a pic tonight
ooh, I had a cell phone pic

Tell me what you want me to do to prove I got that score if you think thats a silver?

I'll get another pic of the start when it tells you your previous high score tonight

Hitting The Green - 103.9' - Gold
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  • #88
Yeah, I think the silver medal is much duller.
See on the Platinum medal you can't quite make out all the detail as it is really bright - that's how you can tell.

But Goldenboy - HOLY COW! That is one helluvah score! You must be severly disappointed that you missed those first two pins. Also, what kind of TV do you have? It is a good quality picture, if you take a photo of a CRT screen it is all stripy (for want of a better word) and when I take a photo of my LCD Rear Projection the photo is very blue.

Oh yeah, also just got 1645m in the Home Runs. My last home run was 199m!
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Not sure what kind, it was on my dads widescreen flat panel

After I missed the first one I got the 4 strikes in a row and I said to my g/f, "man i've never seen anyone get 4 in a row before." Then I got the fifth and she said the same thing. Then it just seemed no matter how I threw it, they were all going down. I wasn't even being very precise and everything just kept falling. The worst part though, is that I did this on my dads Wii, so my high score is on his, when all my other high scores are on my own. ALTHOUGH...I do have a high of 801 pins on my own Wii. So I guess that's not too shabby either. I don't know if you want to put that on the list or not.
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Is it just me or does that first '8' on the 878 score look a bit weird? :wink:

New scores:

Tennis Target Practice - 46 - Platinum (I should really stop doing this one :D )
Tennis Timing Your Swing - 42 - Gold
Bowling Power Throws - 574 - Silver
Golf Putting - 9 - Silver
Golf Hitting the Green - 42.1m - Gold
Baseball Batting Practice - 26 - Silver
Baseball Hitting Home Runs - 8 - Silver (I'll have to check the distance)
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