Wii Shopping Channel - Help


Dec 10, 2006
Wii Online Code
Right okay, ive set up my Wii to connect to the web. It has updated itself, Adn now i can view the news channel. Though it will NOT let me get onto the Wii Shopping Channel. It just says conecting...conecting...conecting never actually loads :(.

I had once before this time updated the wii and it let me use the shopping channel, and at this point it did let me connect sucessfully.
I then formatted the memory on it, the next time i used it i wanted me to update again, this time it took about half hour to update. Twice as long as last time. And now i am at the point explained above.......(cant connect to Shopping Channel)......

Please can anyone help


if u have a wireless router, change ur channel to 1 or 11 (default is 6), i had the same problem as you and it took me 4 days to look this up, it makes all the difference
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Right cheers,
So how do i do that mate, my dad set up the network in my house so im a bit clueless when it comes to Routers and that...

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