Wii saved my life.

I saw this on the news. I hardly eat peanut butter anything anymore. But I eat Jif so, yeah. Peter Pan sucks.
Wow, Super WII I guess?
Anyway, you could maybe contact Nintendo on this and tell them about it. (I mean thanking them, not complaining...) It would give Nintendo publicity, and maybe you a headline title: NINTENDO NEWS CHANNEL SAVES LIFE!!!!!
300 people die from ballpoint pens in the US every year.

Weird huh?

Anyway, it's great that the News Channel SAVED YOUR LIFE. Remember that now.

I don't eat peanut butter. I'm alergeck (sorry don't crittisize my spelling)
sagema said:
I was showing off Wii news to a friend when I noticed a, Peter Pan Peanut Butter recall. 2111 on any jar and you'll be in trouble if you eat it. I bought 3 of them because they were on sale. Wii news saved my life. I'm also getting a refund.

I used to have a major stomach condition from a major Flu (I'm fine now). I was warned to avoid any form of salmonila as it could be fatal for me.

and i would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddeling wii's!
WeToYou said:
**** attempt at being witty.

The Wii gave him the news that he should return the Penut Butter...if he hadn't of read it, he would of eaten the Penut Butter and potentially could have died. He didn't save himself, and then see the Wii...

I'd agree, but I wasn't trying to be witty. ;)

It's actually a neat story.
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It was you who bought this godly system in the first place. *Bows down to the Wii* (another reason why you should not get a PS3, *writes new info on a notepad*)
sagema said:
I was showing off Wii news to a friend when I noticed a, Peter Pan Peanut Butter recall. 2111 on any jar and you'll be in trouble if you eat it. I bought 3 of them because they were on sale. Wii news saved my life. I'm also getting a refund.

something undefinable about that statement made me laugh my ass off. and nobody in the room understood.
Heard it off the news.

Had 6 jars of it myself. Two of which have been ate from.

But I like Jif. It's fresh and yummy.
Wii_Smurf said:
Im pritty sure your eyes saved you as you noticed it with your eyes
Nice story though. I can Imagine a Wii with a cape xD Anyone like a Photoshop my thought?

Photoshop?... no.

MSPaint?... YES!

Well glad u'r alive...

send that to nintendo.. they might enjoy that

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