Wii remote aiming


WiiChat Member
Dec 7, 2007
Ok got a wii set it up, but on my 50 inch plasma tv when you aim in the middle its fine but as you aim towards the edges the pointer speeds up faster than your hand moves i'm stood about 5 feet from the tv and the sensor bar is on top of the tv. i've tried adjusting the sensitivity but no joy. can anyone shed any light on the situation. the tv does have a black shiny strip around it could this be affecting it. the wii works perfect on the portable.
Does it move faster both vertically and horizontally? If the speed increase is only horizontal, let me know and I might have some info for you.
You're likely stretching your screen... That's a function of the television. Grab the manual and take a look at that section...
JeffHerr said:
You're likely stretching your screen... That's a function of the television. Grab the manual and take a look at that section...

This was my thought also. Most widescreen tv's have an aspect ratio profile that only stretches the sides of the image, leaving the center undistorted. What that means is the further from the center you get (left or right), the stretch ration increases. Try pressing the "zoom" or "aspect" button on your remote until you get a non-stretched image, like 16:9 standard or something.

Does the Wii output in widescreen, or is it a 4:3 ratio by default that needs to be stretched by a TV?

If the Wii outputs in 16:9, select that option, and just set your tv to standard 16:9 and you should be good to go.
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still no good whatever i try. i'm going to make a white paper border for my tv and see if that helps.

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