wiimote aiming problem


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2006
hi there. new to the forums, just got myself a wii this morning.
but after i set it up i noticed that when i aim the wiimote at the screen, the little cursor hand would be slightly higher than the actual spot that i am aiming at. i have tried placing the sensor bar on top and below the tv but the same problem still occurs. anyone know why?
greengamer said:
hi there. new to the forums, just got myself a wii this morning.
but after i set it up i noticed that when i aim the wiimote at the screen, the little cursor hand would be slightly higher than the actual spot that i am aiming at. i have tried placing the sensor bar on top and below the tv but the same problem still occurs. anyone know why?

I havent got a Wii yet, due to it coming out the 8th for me, but you should be able to go into settings and configure the aiming. So you can have it if you felt so inclinded, that by pointing above the TV is classed as centre to the sensor bar... so it sounded anyway. Cant remember where I read the info, I think it was in a review for Zelda though, someone clearing up peoples worries of the aiming.
hi there. new to the forums, just got myself a wii this morning.
but after i set it up i noticed that when i aim the wiimote at the screen, the little cursor hand would be slightly higher than the actual spot that i am aiming at. i have tried placing the sensor bar on top and below the tv but the same problem still occurs. anyone know why?

Two factors: The Angle in which the sensor bar is will change it. Get some level and level the sensor. The other factor is that the sensor, in theory, should be exactly above the screen, the picture part. On my TV, there's a centimeter or so of the black part of my tv so the aiming is a little off. I dont' think it's a big deal, takes a bit to get used to.

Again, I will quote something I wrote in another thread...

yosh64 said:
I talked with someone online, and they say that you can calibrate the Sensor Bar by going to Settings -> Sensor Bar, and you can set the Sensitivity. But, they say that it doesn't line up correctly if you are not playing at the right distance. If you are to close it won't line up, and if your to far back it will start to shake alot.

yosh64 said:

Again, I will quote something I wrote in another thread...

This is wrong. The sensitivity configuration allows you to basically set how sensitive your Remote is to infrared light. The remote works by "seeing" two infrared lights at the ends of the sensor bar. If you have problems with stray infrared light sources, then you should turn your sensitivity down. If you are having problems with being too far from the television, you should turn your sensitivity up. This has nothing to do with x-y calibration.
anbr03 said:
how much vill sunligt infect on the sensor?
I haven't had a problem. If you do, you can adjust how sensitive the wii remote is to infrared light (see post 3 up)
I think this happens with most of them. On mine the cursor is slightly lower than where I am actually pointing but it doesn't really matter unless you have to point at something without a cursor and I havn't ran into anything like that so far.

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