Wii or not?

You're a hard one to judge...are you a casual gamer wanting in on the wii craze, or a Nintendo fangirl (seeing as you stuck with them through the GC years..)

What sort of games are you looking for? Warioware, or Brawl lol.
Brawny said:
Eh, that goes by state.... michigan is 6%, Indiana is 11-13 :O lol

What other things are you looking at purchasing with your hard-earned cash?

I don't want to know how you got those numbers or which northern Indiana "ma and pa" decided to rip you off, however sales tax is 6% in Indiana as well. :)

11-13% is the current tax on cigarettes and gas however. :lol:
Ah, must have got them confused. Michigan's gas and ciggy taxes are even higher than that.

WE have like....entire St. Joe. departments JUST monitoring the ciggy black market.
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Ok, thanks ppl. I think i'll ask 4 it as an early christmas present so i can get it b4 it is out cuz of the x-mas rush. Then i'll buy games wit my $$. Ty so much! <3
Awww....and you first post's grammar showed so much potential. Then you bust out the "cuz, x-mas, i'll, ppl".....ARGGGGHHH

Anyways, I guess this thread can be lox'd.

Be sure to post elsewhere!

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