Should I buy a Wii?


WiiChat Member
Oct 27, 2007
Hey, I'm new to the forums but I just need some advice on the Wii. I have owned an Xbox 360 since its launch and have enjoyed it ever since and have a lot of games. I recently went to a friends house and played the Wii that he owns. I was truly amazed at how fun it was (Wii Sports, RE4, Metroid). My birthday was the 26th and I got around $450 in cash from relatives and I wanted to know if a Wii would be a good investment as of now. I would be planning on getting Super Smash Brothers Brawl when it came out, but I just wanted to know if I should wait until then or purchase a Wii now. Thank you in advance for your advice.
:) i also have a wii, i got it from the first days of it's release......and i enjoy it till today, and i plan to buy more games....

I'd advice you to buy a wii, while it's something totally different from the xbox360....

but you'll have to choose carefully the best games you like, because as far as you know, most wii games are in a differet style of xbox360's style of games...

you'll enjoy zelda, redisent evil 4, redsteel, metroid , soul calibur and so on for sure!!

also good for exercising.... ;p
The Wii won't be getting any cheaper any time soon.

As for a good investment for $450, try the stock market. Maybe go simple and start a 6 month rollover Certificate of Deposit (CD). If you get an allowance, then I would try to open a mutual fund that invests in emerging markets, because it will have a higher return/risk, but you will be able to invest in it longer. I'm currently earning 15% on a basic mutual fund with medium risk.
i would definately buy the wii right now. i have one and i love it. there are plenty of good games out right now. super paper mario, zelda, metroid prime 3, zak and wiki, re4. plus the wii has the best christmas lineup for sure. medal of honor heroes, re umbrella chronicles, mario galaxy, battalion wars and super smash brawl soon behind. also you will get to play all the gamecube games you might have missed out on if you get a wii. and you can even download classic titles on the virtual console. how can you pass up having the original mario bros. and ocarina of time playable on the same console. another thing is the wii has the internet channel where you can go to and play alot of free online flash games that use the wiimote. the wii even has a newspaper channel where you can keep up on current events in between gaming.

all in all the wii is the complete console cause it really does have something for everyone. there are alot of pretty cool casual titles including wii sports ,packaged in, if you want to have people over. and there are also some really quality hardcore games if you just want to sit and play a game.
may i suggest

I agree with others...
Games I would suggest:

If you like single player FPS: Metriod Prime 3
If you like platforming: Super Mario Galaxy
If you like GTA: Scarface
If you like racing: Excite Truck
If you like 32 player online FPS: Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 (release 11/13)
If you like RTS online games: Battalion Wars 2
If you like arcade light gun games: Ghost Squad, Resident Evil:UC (11/13)

There are a ton of other games coming out soon that will rock your socks off :)
when i bought a wii i was still a little undecided about it because of its game selection and its graphics. but major companies are making really good games for the wii for a young community and for an elderly community but if there is one thing for sure its not to buy a ps3. there overpriced and they dont have the best selection for games. but a xbox 360 has both a good selection of games and a reasonable price. notto mention there good graphics which i something the wii lacks. but for all of the wiis faults it is still the only system that you actually have to move your arms and more. tell me what other system does that! and as i was sayign earlier the wiis game selection is getting better with the release of tony hawks proving ground, avatar burning earth, guitar hero 3, warioware smooth moves, wiifit, zelda, mario party 8, many mario games, many shooting games(godfather, scarface, redsteel)[although scarface is not the greatest] so yes i would say you should buy a wii. if you really like good graphics and gun games then get a xbox 360 but if your really undecide between both of those systems... just wait and see what releases there are for the game
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yes, the game lineup isnt the greatest right now, but the games that are out right now are awsome, and for the future game lineup, youll regret not buying it
I was skeptical of the Wii at first, I too own an Xbox 360. After hearing about it from a ton of my friends and then finally trying it, I was sold. I would definitely recommend picking one up, I have had a lot of fun with mine, so far.

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