Wii modding plz help


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2010
Daejeon, Korea
OK so I got a korean wii :lovewii: because I live in Korea but I really want to play super smash bros brawl on it. There is no korean version of super smash bros so I have the regular one. I insert it... it doesn't seem to work. Then I research about it and now I know about soft modding. Does soft modding work for a korean wii or do I have to get a mod chip? If I do have to get a mod chip where could I get one (I live in Daejeon)? I know the options are either buy an american wii but I really do not want to spend another 220 bucks for another one. If soft modding does work for a korean wii I have all the requirements. PLZ Help me. :sick: :sick:
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oh ..

sorry............... :frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5::frown5:

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