to mod or not to mod that is the Question

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but that way don't work because of the last update so i hear
Def mod it if you can. For the price of one game you can get hundreds including GC games. There is no risk once its modded succesfully..i LOVE my wiikey
Rob the ro said:
Well. You all should think about it. Is it worth the risk or what?
Me? I think it is fun with free games but, after you have played a bit, the game will become boring, right? Right? But if you buy it, you know you used youre own money on it and then, like my Loz: Tp, you dont want to finish it before you got: max money, max life, maybe even max ammo i dont know what type of game it is.

Take this advice from a Norwegian guy,
dont buy a chip and mod your wii!

I agree a 100% with Rob the ro. If you buy the games,you will enjoy them more, cause you have spend the money on it.
When I was younger (hihihi, I really was one day), I also had every game release on the PC, and I can tell you. After a while I started buying games, cause getting all the games for free just makes them dull and boring.

But why don´t you find friends who also have Wii´s, so you can exchange the games? I do.....
rtr1900 said:
I agree a 100% with Rob the ro. If you buy the games,you will enjoy them more, cause you have spend the money on it.

But why don´t you find friends who also have Wii´s, so you can exchange the games? I do.....

I said this before (possibly even in this thread) - the value of games get diluted when you have so many (not talking out my ass, speaking from my experience).

Yeah, a few trades and coordinated purchases and you can double/triple your available games (with friends/family).

For our available game time, a few good games is about all we have time for, but I suppose if you get a game and play it non-stop for 3 or 4 days, 8 hours a day and beat it, you'd probably need a more regular stream of new titles. YMMV.
anthonybest1 said:
should i get a mob chip for my wii i have no idea how to put it in(sounds like my old girlfriend)but i know it will be good to have one in or is there a soft mod that will not brick my wii
I just installed a wiikey modchip last night because my brother brought me 10 downloaded games from Spain. It is very difficult to install. At least for someone who has never soldered. It took me hours specially when I reassembled and broke the plug that connect the face plate to the unit. I am looking for a similar plug with the red/black cable. I posted a thread to see if I can get some help. I would buy the plug if someone had it. I would say to do some research on opening the unit and installing the mod chip
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well i was going to get my uncle to put it in for me (but my gf said i have to learn...)but i dont want to have it in there then have it not work....

anyway the battle for the wiikey continues..
[DT] said:

...being able to burn huge numbers of games is NOT all it's cracked up to be. You wind up burning a ton of junk that only provides an hour or two of distraction and you dilute the value of the good games.

I'd also consider that unlike previous generation machines (like the PS2 and GC), the WII is constantly getting firmware updates (I'd assume a HUGE number of them are networked or will be) - seems like an ever increasing risk for Nintendo to do something against modified machines (not unlike the constant downstream thumpers sat companies like DTV send out).

If you don't have a reasonable level of soldering experience, I'd say the chances are high of ruining your machine are high.

For the record I do NOT have our Wii modified and don't advocate breaking any laws.

Wow, Lol rofl. Check your grammar.
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Michaelk said:
Wow, Lol rofl. Check your grammar.

You mean the minor grammatical faux pas of repeating the 'are high' fragment actually made you laugh OUT LOUD and roll around on the floor? Wow, congrats - you're an incredible kook :smilewinkgrin:

Thanks for pointing that out though - it really invalidated the original post.
My $0.02

I've got a wiikey and have had zero problems so far - that includes playing games from U.S. and Japanese regions, internet channel, shop channel, weather, news, GC homebrew, and yes - even Super Paper Mario.

As for you patriots trying to make everyone with a modded system out to be evil, consider this - I'm living in Hong Kong and every Wii here is modded. You buy them from the store already modded. I'm not even sure that it is possible to buy a non-modded system. Consumers buy backup games in the same shopping areas where retail games are sold. And from what I understand it's like this all over Asia, not just with video games but with all electronic media. Just to put things in perspective.

I do have two questions though; it would be nice if anyone could answer these with any personal experience, rather than "I heard..." sorta like I've heard a lot of systems have been bricked but I haven't read one testimonial.

1. What about that latest update with the "warning" from Nintendo about it causing problems if your hardware has been altered? I know theoretically it shouldn't be able to detect a mod chip, but why did they include that warning then? Has anyone with wiikey installed that update and remained brickless?

2. What about online game play - like Mario Strikers Charged? Has that worked for anyone with a modded system?

Thanks in advance for any help :)

BTW - ignore all the negative hype - Donkey Kong Bongo Blast is freakin awesome!
franx said:
I've got a wiikey and have had zero problems so far - that includes playing games from U.S. and Japanese regions, internet channel, shop channel, weather, news, GC homebrew, and yes - even Super Paper Mario.

As for you patriots trying to make everyone with a modded system out to be evil, consider this - I'm living in Hong Kong and every Wii here is modded. You buy them from the store already modded. I'm not even sure that it is possible to buy a non-modded system. Consumers buy backup games in the same shopping areas where retail games are sold. And from what I understand it's like this all over Asia, not just with video games but with all electronic media. Just to put things in perspective.

I do have two questions though; it would be nice if anyone could answer these with any personal experience, rather than "I heard..." sorta like I've heard a lot of systems have been bricked but I haven't read one testimonial.

1. What about that latest update with the "warning" from Nintendo about it causing problems if your hardware has been altered? I know theoretically it shouldn't be able to detect a mod chip, but why did they include that warning then? Has anyone with wiikey installed that update and remained brickless?

2. What about online game play - like Mario Strikers Charged? Has that worked for anyone with a modded system?

Thanks in advance for any help :)

BTW - ignore all the negative hype - Donkey Kong Bongo Blast is freakin awesome!

I personally modify wii console's as a side hobby. And my wii has been modified with the wiifree 12f629 chip for a while. From personal experience I have tested modified and unmodified consoles and the warning you are refering to shows up regardless of modification. It appears to be just a generic warning nintendo has included to inform end users (i dont believe it was placed there as a scare.) I have successfully updated many modified wii's to the newest versions of updates available online and have never bricked a unit to this date. Also I have played mario strickers online with a modified wii and have never experienced any type of restricted functionality. Infact I have played other games such as Madden online and have not been banned or restricted in any way to date. I have been doing this for some time now (even back in the early xbox modification days) and for some one to say nintendo will be able to tell there is a chip in my console might be possible how ever since the current wii modification chips only modify the dvd drive and not the main system unless nintendo has (or creates) a way to query the dvd drive for information I don't see how they will be able to determin if a system has been comprimised (modded.) As far as recommending it, I would have to say yes. How ever, I would agree with a number of users on this forum that have posted that the value of the game definatly decreases when you dont pay for the game as compared to when I do pay for games. I mainly modified my console to save my original discs from damage. Most people snicker at this but I believe that the ones that do snicker dont have toddlers (or younger children) and dont understand how destructive children can be. I do my best to keep things in line and out of reach but there are times that my child has managed to get into things that I put away from them and they get destroyed and I would like to avoid repeativly paying $50.00+ per game.

Hope this helps,
franx said:
I've got a wiikey and have had zero problems so far - that includes playing games from U.S. and Japanese regions, internet channel, shop channel, weather, news, GC homebrew, and yes - even Super Paper Mario.

As for you patriots trying to make everyone with a modded system out to be evil, consider this - I'm living in Hong Kong and every Wii here is modded. You buy them from the store already modded. I'm not even sure that it is possible to buy a non-modded system. Consumers buy backup games in the same shopping areas where retail games are sold. And from what I understand it's like this all over Asia, not just with video games but with all electronic media. Just to put things in perspective.

I do have two questions though; it would be nice if anyone could answer these with any personal experience, rather than "I heard..." sorta like I've heard a lot of systems have been bricked but I haven't read one testimonial.

1. What about that latest update with the "warning" from Nintendo about it causing problems if your hardware has been altered? I know theoretically it shouldn't be able to detect a mod chip, but why did they include that warning then? Has anyone with wiikey installed that update and remained brickless?

2. What about online game play - like Mario Strikers Charged? Has that worked for anyone with a modded system?

Thanks in advance for any help :)

BTW - ignore all the negative hype - Donkey Kong Bongo Blast is freakin awesome!
I modded mine last week and updated 2 days later. There was the warning while updating but as others mentioned there is no problem. It should not detect the chip. Mine works perfect but as I mentioned before I almost damaged mine. I broke the facepate connector cable and was able to solder by a hairline cable left. It works for now but I cannot find that plug. Any suggestions. I did find a cordless battery that has a similar plug but I'd hate to reopen the WII to check.
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every one is saying that the updates cause problems for modded wii but you dont hve to update do you ?
yamilrx said:
I modded mine last week and updated 2 days later. There was the warning while updating but as others mentioned there is no problem. It should not detect the chip. Mine works perfect but as I mentioned before I almost damaged mine. I broke the facepate connector cable and was able to solder by a hairline cable left. It works for now but I cannot find that plug. Any suggestions. I did find a cordless battery that has a similar plug but I'd hate to reopen the WII to check.

The first thing that comes to mind you have already thought of. I would check out like radio shack for a cordless battery and take a look at there ends. But without having your original to compare what the end looks like to one on the shelf its kind of hit and miss. Sorry thats the best I can think of. The next time I get a wii to modify I will try and remember to take a look and see if I can see a battery that has a matching end but I may not have one for a while since wii's seem to be selling out around here still and most people I have talked to dont want to mess with getting thers modified till the beginning of next year. (wii being a holiday gift and all)

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