Wii Media Center X

I tried to simply listen to some music today and it says this: Music Functionality Currently does not work on the Wii and PS3.

What am I doing wrong?
LilWiiWii said:
I tried to simply listen to some music today and it says this: Music Functionality Currently does not work on the Wii and PS3.

What am I doing wrong?
It doesn't work yet.
Bulldogxx831 said:
It doesn't work yet.
Hmm, I kinda figured that by now, But I could have sworn it said up and fully functional somewhere..Ah it was too good to be true. Thanks for the quick reply
Omegamonk said:
Thats a good one, but you also might want to try www.orb.com Its the same thing but I like it better IMO (in my opinion).

So anybody had much luck with using ORB on their Wii? Is it pretty easy to play your music, like create playlists and such? Are there any limitations on number of mp3s that you can use with the services cause I have over 10,000 mp3s on my iTunes.
If you're like me and live on YouTube then you might want to check out KeepV.com It downloads the Youtube video with just the link and then you rename it to X.flv and you can use it with Media Center. I almost have all the Angry Video Game Nerd episodes.

Just a tip
eh. i could just go to youtube to watch videos or w/e if iwanted to on my wii.

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