Wii Media Center X

Well by looking at that site it now seems that I have an exploit trojan on my laptop so...thanks for that ^_^
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Taero said:
Well by looking at that site it now seems that I have an exploit trojan on my laptop so...thanks for that ^_^

Idiot. It's not from the media center site. It was from some posters signature picture above, not coming up. Apparently he fixed it now! So anyways your welcome!
Ok, don't have my Wii quite yet (hopefully in the next day or two)....in any case, it's my understanding that some games already out or in the near future will allow for user soundtracks.

Now seeing as this is supposed to act as a quasi-replacement for the SD-card, so my question to whomever has this and the person who created this thread is...

Does this program allow me to use the mp3s set in a shared folder as tunes for a game sountrack?
there has to be something out that i can play music and games at the same time... come on wii.. get with it! hehe
ok so im a noob, there i admitted it. so please dont get mad at my ignorance... im trying to get rid of it here.

now, i have the media center installed, working fine, have pulled it up on the Wii browser... but no matter what i cant play my files. i have converted them with Wii video put them in every folder i possibly could but no luck... any help would b greatly appreciated...
posted something earlier but never mind.
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