Wii Friend Code Exchange V 2.0

My FC is: 3560-0206-9314-4948
username is Jay

I have Mario Kart, Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, Brawl, and Tatsunoko vs Capcom

I don't currently know the FC to those games but i'll find them out and post them as well.

message me if you add me.
ill add you on Mario kart when u find it out but the people that have modern warfare reflex add me pm me if u add me
Hey i am a clan owner,anyone that whants to join are free to enter,the website is dnehq.tk,look for me (DNE)Ryusaki in the MWR Chatbox/FC,the clan is new so dont expet that it have to much members,brawl and waw owners are welcome too.

DNE Leader:(DNE)Ryusaki

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