Wii Friend Code Exchange V 2.0

hey all... Im new.. plz add me :)

My wii number is - 2196 4589 3878 0319
My brawl id is - 2665 5222 5814
My nick - Arnav
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Hi, I'm new as well. The name's Chris friend code for Brawl is:

1548 - 4845 - 2125

Feel free to add me. Look forward to future brawls :D
Hey... I'm new as well...

Wii: 8727 0883 7997 7362

Add me at will!!!

Hi I'm BigE131 and my friend code is 6540-1159-6370-9253. I have Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and Madden 09 AllPlay. Hope you contact me!
well redneck. You still have not addsd mee. :p [im on wiichat from my wii console. lulz]

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