Wii Fix

It is "Burrito", not barito DPrinny and I just only say "Alright" in coloquial Mexican spanish

PD: You should improve your spanish a little. South Park xD
I dont touch Spanish food. So cant be arsed to spell it
It is Mexican food not Spanish, and the rest, well, but you could just put some more effort.
Spanish, Mexican, Kilingon Its all foreign to me
Lovely pissing contest y'all are having. I don't quite understand why Solo decided it was appropriate to start bragging about his military service? I have dear friends who are Vietnam vets and a cousin who served in Afghanistan. They are proud of their service but don't brag. You see, they don't think they are anything special. Their country asked them to serve and they answered that call. Their quiet dignity is an example more should follow.

As far as game consoles, I've been using them since the Atari 2600 and I've found there is no BEST one or WORST one. It's all subjective and everyone has their favorite. Having so many choices is great and there is no bad one. I loved my Atari 2600, my Activision, my PS1, PS2, and PS3, and now I love my Wii! :)
He was doing the whole "internet tough guy" thing.
Its like when kids in the street try to look taller when "Facing up". Only thing is when on the internet there is a easy way of hiding your face.

There is a clear worst.
The game.com
If you dont think its bad you aint played on it

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