Wii Fix

Famicom had a Disk add-on which didn't come to America, Super Nintendo was originally to be a Disc Unit helped by Sony (Thats how why Sony Launched Playstation), Nintendo 64 also had a Disc Drive add-on which also failed. SEGA wasn't the only add-on System.
Oh it did.
It wasn't the same thing (used to play copys) but there was a disc drive for it.
The SNES CD fell threw as Nintendo became greedy (prototypes exist and are never seen in public as they are under lock and key in Sonys HQ NO CONSPIRACY!). Sony then told them where to stick it and made the Playstation. Thats why the PSX pad looks so much like the SNES one
I have looked confusingly upon a 64DD. Held it in my hands, pushed its buttons and called it rubbish.
I LOVE THE SIMS! I LOVE TO CREATE. I'm just surprised to see the Wii version being Open World.

The SIMs isn't very creative.
Thats Wills other series Sim City

102nd Airborne Infantry. Paper cut my ass!
Well what ever turns you on, but I don't go for that type of thing.
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  • #47
Good for you, you little f***ing soilder. Although you don't act like you have been to War, otherwise you wouldn't be b****ing at kids over your Wii's incompentance at playing a stupid War Game. Not really saying I'm a kid. Oh by the way, the company Konami couldn't make Metal Gear Solid 4 the way they wanted to on Playstation 3. When they were testing what they wanted, it didn't work on PS3 because it was to much for it.

Now here is a different point, if you love your Wii Console, charish it regardless of the lack of technical capabilities. If you can't stand it because of that, sell it or buy something with better capabilities. No company is going to wipe one persons ass because he didn't get what he desires.
Thats the best you got. Its because of People like me that you get to sleep safe at night. Once again why do you try to top me with bring up PS3. I don't care about the PS3 but if they did release that game for ps3 in a version that would work for it did it crash several units? Don't get butt hurt that I'm not swinging from Nintendos nuts like your self. I dont know what it takes to get you two to under stand that Nintendo could and should come out with a new system. That is what I have been saying the hole time. But since My view is not the same as some self appointed forum pros you Try to smash on me. LOL
I don't actually get why some people hate add ons. I enjoyed some games on the Sega CD (Yes I had a Genesis too). Like Sonic CD? Best 2D Sonic game? Who's with me?


Agreed. It reminds of that lame online game called Habbo.
Try to smash on me. LOL

Smash what on you?

I don't actually get why some people hate add ons. I enjoyed some games on the Sega CD (Yes I had a Genesis too). Like Sonic CD? Best 2D Sonic game? Who's with me?


Agreed. It reminds of that lame online game called Habbo.
For every good game.
Theres about 10 bad ones
Then theres addons like the Jaguar CD (the toilet)

I have used Habbo.
I say used its more like raid
I say raid it was more like annoy people
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  • #50
Try being in Veitnam war like few of my family members were, on the f***ing ground. Watching their friends being slaughtered.
I'll go back in time and fight side by side with my Dad in NAM and we could both wonder how I got my purple hart by not fighting on the ground. What do you think the AIRBORNE does we dropped behind the lines.
Try being in Veitnam war like few of my family members were, on the f***ing ground. Watching their friends being slaughtered.
I'll go back in time and fight side by side with my Dad in NAM and we could both wonder how I got my purple hart by not fighting on the ground. What do you think the AIRBORNE does we dropped behind the lines.
Sometimes with a parachute.


Can't we just drop the arguement?

Tell the Kidds not me there just upset that I dont agree with them!

Welcome to the internet!
Be warned there will be a few that don't agree with you
Konami tuned down their version of Metal Gear Solid 4 (Although it pissed them off) for the PS3 so that it didn't damage consumers units.

I'm getting aggravated that you bring up the XBOX 360 or the PS3 will kick Wii's ass, but when I point out the same problems I've had with a higher grade console thats similar to your problem, you say its not related to your issue.

Plus you're now bringing up that you've been in war. If you have, then why hell do American War Veterans come back fighting the people they helped protect. Your b****ing at me (American), You're b****ing at our Alleys (The Brits). It would feel like a form of sucide to me the way you are acting.
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I do want to see a much more powerful console than the unit I have now. I knew the console wasn't as powerful as the PS3 or XBOX 360. I did not care at the time, I just wanted a console so I can purchuse all of my old favorites. Later I did want bigger games, but I picked XBOX 360 regardless of the lack of Motion Controls. I do think Nintendo could have been more pro-active given they started making it just after Gamecube.
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  • #56
Konami tuned down their version of Metal Gear Solid 4 (Although it pissed them off) for the PS3 so that it didn't damage consumers units.

I'm getting aggravated that you bring up the XBOX 360 or the PS3 will kick Wii's ass, but when I point out the same problems I've had with a higher grade console thats similar to your problem, you say its not related to your issue.

Plus you're now bringing up that you've been in war. If you have, then why hell do American War Veterans come back fighting the people they helped protect. Your b****ing at me (American), You're b****ing at our Alleys (The Brits). It would feel like a form of sucide to me the way you are acting.
Frist I have never said any thing about the xbox I would never pay $ to play online second All I said about PS3 is that if Wii doesnt answer the move they will lose customers. Because the ps3 has the power to run more in depth games. All I have said this hole time is it is time for a stronger Wii this one is like playing my ps2 its old and out dated. Once again for you people that just comment and dont read. I'm a fan of Nintendo that is why I have a Wii and not the other units. Its just time for Nintendo to step up there game. Imagine how much better the same games would be updated and on a stronger Wii. But since I didn't come on here sucking the Wii off you guys get mad. If your a car guy would you want a 4cyl with 100hp or a 8cyl with 500 hp. One is nice to play with but the other 400hp sure are nice right? I'm not B****ing at ether of you but it seems to me that you got mad that I was not in agreement with you about the Wii. It is weak and could be much better. Then a form of suicide? What is that? because I don't see it your way I'm not Amrican and I should protect your feeling.
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  • #57
I do want to see a much more powerful console than the unit I have now. I knew the console wasn't as powerful as the PS3 or XBOX 360. I did not care at the time, I just wanted a console so I can purchuse all of my old favorites. Later I did want bigger games, but I picked XBOX 360 regardless of the lack of Motion Controls. I do think Nintendo could have been more pro-active given they started making it just after Gamecube.
That is what I have been saying the hole time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you here if you do not like the Wii? the Wii may not be as powerful as the other consoles, so what? they're not supposed to be computers, they are supposed to be fun machines to play GAMES into, creative games at that, which Nintendo has a lot of, not just shooters.
Nintendo would launch the New system when they are ready, and like Reggie said, they still want to sell a couple of millions they still have.
And personally, I do like the fact the Wii is being pushed to the Max by the developers, although is their fault is this is bringing issues cause they should know already what to do and what not with the system.

You at the North have luck, here in Mexico is hard that Nintendo repair the system (long procces)
Yeah, well I've excepted my Wii even as it is not powerful. And You are now complaining about it. I'm saying cope with it, Drop it, or buy something powerful to go along side it. I keep it because I have games I enjoy from Nintendo, plus I can buy old games I've enjoyed in the past, and I have Games I enjoy on the XBOX 360 plus the Original XBOX.

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