Wii Doubles the price of PS3

Its true that having blue-ray support "could" be future proof but once they start making them it will be more expensive than the average DVD. Therefore that could discourage users from buying the ps3. Once the blu-ray discs get manufactured at high production then more companies would produce media for blue-ray. Then people could consider it but in my opinion there is a long way left to go for that to happen. Also i think its better to get a DVD recorder with blu-ray support rather than going for the ps3. It would be cheaper. For now whoever buys the wii i dont think they will regret it...but thats just my opinion.
chessaholic said:
I would also like to point out that the xbox 360 has been out for nearly a year in the UK, yet i only know one person with one. Does anybody know how many have been sold worldwide yet?

10 million pieces. SOURCE: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2006/may06/05-09E32006BriefingPR.mspx

Obviusly you people all sounds like that if you could afford the PS3 you would diffiently buy it.. You all forget the forces of the Wii, and by that i do NOT mean the price.. And I will be the LAST person that wants to see Sony drop the Playstation. Playstation have brought tons of GREAT games to us, you all know that. Crash Bandicoot? Those ARE some great games.. I have nothing against fanboys, but as soon as they start to say that they wished Sony had never exist and their dearest wish was that Sony got bankrupt.. Well :scared: :rolleyes:

10 million? I know thats a lot but according to the latest article in the news section, there could be that many wii's out and sold by the end of this year (thats in a month and a half) I don't think the 360's head start is going to 'win' this console war (for want of a better phrase)