Wii Disc


FiGhT KlUb
Jan 6, 2008
Wii Online Code
Did you ever put the disc in wrong wen u first got your wii and it said the disc cannot be read and u thought something was wrong i did :)
i still do that sometimes.
my PS3 is right next to my Wii, so i get it mixed up sometimes, as stupid as that is. :sick:
Well I think of it as being like a Gamecube, at least when its not standing up. If you have it on its side, you place the disc in like you would in a Gamecube. Then the transition from lying down to standing is never difficult and is how I first learned. Plus I read the manual before doing so :drool:
CantGetAWii said:
Well I think of it as being like a Gamecube, at least when its not standing up. If you have it on its side, you place the disc in like you would in a Gamecube. Then the transition from lying down to standing is never difficult and is how I first learned. Plus I read the manual before doing so :drool:
to much words and instructions
*drools* lol
lol i did that when i first got mine lol i thought it was messed up...:scared:
Yeah, I have to admit to doing that. Just carelessness really since I just wanted to get WiiSports in there as fast as I could. When I didn't see the game appear, I almost phoned Nintendo but then realized my stupidity.
I hesitated when putting the disc in. I wasn't sure which way, luckily it was the right way. If it wasn't I'd try the other way heheh I thought about it so didn't worry.

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