How many inserted disc in backwards?

ABC said:
Hahahhaa, not at all. But it's very quick.... and the system doesn't make a sound. I went from the Wii and turned on my 360 that's sitting right next to it and it sounded like a 747 Jet engine starting up compared to the Wii.

lol, the 360 does sound like its about to take off. thats one thing i hate about it..and if you tip it the slightest bit it starts to scratch your disk :mad5: but i love the games for it:aureola:
Plop said:
Will it damage the disk when u put it in backwards?

We just spent an entire page discussing that... among other things. BUT, no.. it will most likely just pop it back out.
I don't know... maybe it's just me... but when I see the wii the area you can insert the disk is furthest to the right.... so that means that the disc reader will probably be on the thicker portion of the wii as your looking at it in front... so common sense (which is not that common anymore:frown2: ) should tell you the readable side of the disc should be on facing the left....
r1000 said:
I don't know... maybe it's just me... but when I see the wii the area you can insert the disk is furthest to the right.... so that means that the disc reader will probably be on the thicker portion of the wii as your looking at it in front... so common sense (which is not that common anymore:frown2: ) should tell you the readable side of the disc should be on facing the left....

I don't understand why this is such a problem? Are people really that retarded? Just look to see which side the bottom is then insert the disc the oposite way! BINGO!
well im used to my xbox 360 and you put the discs in with the label facing right for that so it was like 2nd nature to me lol. i just stuck it in w/o thinking
I have my wii on a stand and tried to insert it horizontally. Let me say right now, this does not work. If you successfully insert the disc, it really doesn't want to come out. BTW, I'm ambidextrous.


... still waiting to find a wii ...
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No need for people to be so rude about this topic. I have a 360 and when its standing upright the label is on my left. Same with PS2. I only assumed that it would be the same for the Wii but nothing happend to the disc when I put it in wrong. It just kept trying to read the disc and then I realized its backwards. I think that because this is Nintendos first CD based system they really didnt even think about how to install the drive lol.
The drive is exactly right. The thicker part is the only area where the reading mechanisms would fit, (the laser), and thus where the data side of the disc (non-label) would go. Look at it like a CD rom drive. Do you put the disc in with the label facing the taller side or the shorter side?
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After looking at the system I see what your saying but still this is the first system that stands up and has the label facing the right side.
First time I booted up I put my disc in backwards! But actually I'm gonna go w/ the sleep deprevation excuse here! I had just waited in line for 5 hours in 20 degree weather, and it was 7am, I hadn't slept much in the past 24 hours, too damn excited. So I was delerious and punch drunk with sleepiness!
I put in wrong the first time, it just wouldn't read it...i ejected and it was fine. For some reason it seemed natural for the label to face right, but as has been pointed out, labels always go up on horizontal units, and if you lay the Wii in the correct horizontal position, it would be on it's "Left" side.
I find this wonderfully amusing...

because you saved me the embarassment of doing the same thing. I'll probably try it sometime anyway. :blush2:

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