Wii controller options question???????


WiiChat Member
Sep 30, 2006
Hey all,

I am trying to decide which console to choose. The Wii looks extremely attractive but there is one question that has been pestering me that I cannot seem to get answered. Are there any other controller options (such as a normal next gen controller like the 360 controller, GC controller, PS2/3 controller, etc.) besides the innovative Wii controller/ Wii nunchuck hookup? The reason this is an important question for me to get answered is because I have a lot of questions regarding the Wii controller. It seems to me that somehting with motion sensing technology would be great when it is new, but once you drop it on the floor a few times I think it would have a potential for a lot of tech problems. Plus, being an old school gamer, I would probably prefer to use a GC-like controller for certain games where I may not feel like moving my arms all over the place and jumping around the room in order to play a video game.

Thanks :smilewinkgrin:
The gamecube controller WILL be used to Ssbb. There is also a classic controller for old school games. It's still unconfirmed if it can be used with certain Wii games.
Ronan: no only some of the Wii games will be able to the GC controller, like Slurba said, one of them being SSBB.

and to answer your question RPG, some games require the Wii controller and some dont, some will use and some will not.
And just by dropping the controller on the floor a few times wont break it, its Nintendo, seriously, ive heard so many stories about Gamecubes and N64's getting dropped and people trying to break them when they dont break....

so basically there are some different options in a way, for certain games, and for old school games you can use the old school controller, but other than that your stuck with the Wii-mote
its the only controller with a wrist strap, so you shouldnt be dropping it.
it appears that the overwhelming majority of games will use the wiimote. with a small percentage using the classic controller or a cube controller. (i sure hope my GameBoy Player controller from Hori still works)
Just make sure you work out your own opinions on using the controller instead of maybe using a few negative opinions and letting them take up too much mental space.

Dunno how you could do that though, stay overnight at a friend's (with a wii) house?
in touch with the wii said:
:wtf: it wont have tech probs because ur not gonna dorp it r u:wtf:
lmfao... sorry.. but that made me laugh.. I might ;)

And to answer the origanal question..
I don't think it will have tech problems.. but i feel the same way about the whole.. moving your arms around thing.. it might get tiring..
I know that for a few games it has minimal moving though.. like tony hawk..
i don't know why you think that ssb: b will use the ngc controller can you please link me to an official source stating this?

anyways i'm sure some games will use it but for the most part no and you always have the New virtual console games that third parties will be making because the vc dev kits where super cheap like 3,000 or 4,000 compared to the usual 6,000 to 7,000 game dev kits these games will use the classical controller and will not be purchased at a store but rather on the nintendo store channel like you would do for a nes game except its not a already made game its a brand new game
The guy in charge of creating SSBB came out and said a while ago that we should keep our GC controllers handy for SSBB. It's just not a game that you can really use the Wii-mote for. It'd be far too complex.

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