The classic controller?


X, I'll own u N ELEBITS!
Nov 11, 2006
Wii Online Code
I've asked this question before and I've seen other people ask this question but I've never heard a flat out answer and I figure that now, since a lot people already have the Wii, that it can be answered.

I've got the Wii but I didn't buy a classic controller and I was wondering, for those of you who did, can the classic controller be used to play the Wii games like Zelda and stuff? Or can you only use the classic controller for classic video games? You'd think that Nintendo would make it possible for people to play normally, or with the Wii-mote to fit both preferences. I love the Wiimote, don't get me wrong, but I think I'd prefer a regular type controller for games like Zelda, where you don't utilize the motion sensing capabilities nearly as much as you're just solving puzzles or whatever.

Well anyway, I was just wondering. If somebody with the classic controller can tell me the answer to this question, I would be very happy.
well i've bought the classic controller and what you do is plug it into your wii-mote but i've looked in prefernces etc and I haven't found a way to play without the wii mote but I <3 the wii mote and would have it no other way

retro/classic controller is for VC games only methinks
it all depends on the developers of the game. from what ive heard, metal slug anthology will use the classic controller, the wiimote, or the gamecube controller. then there are other games, like super smash bros brawl which will use either the wiimote/nunchuk or the gamecube controller. im pretty sure that zelda is strictly wiimote/nunchuk, unless you buy the gamecube version, then you'd have to use the gamecube controller for it. like i said, its up to the developers.
It's also for Dragonball Z Tenkiechi 2 for the Wii.
But using the Wii-mote and nunchuck is better and easier. (for me at least)

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