New control options for a single player game


WiiChat Member
Sep 12, 2007
I am curious to hear other people's thoughts on this. I know it will probably never happen but I think it would be pure goodness if a developer developed a game that used two wiimotes instead of the wiimote and nunchuck setup for a single player game. it seems like it could have some potential for sweet control options. that is my random thought for today.
Similair to how you could use 2 controls in Golden Eye on the N64? I loved that option!
i doubt they would... how many extra buttons do you need?

the wiimote has A,B, direction pad, 1, 2, +,- and of course home button 7 buttons and a direction pad, add the nun chuck you get analog stick,C,Z so 9 buttons and 2 direction controll pads thats almost the same as any other controller... plus add it all the motion controll in the wiimote and nunchuck and thats 2 more direction pads plus the IR of the wii mote for in-out-left right... id have to say apart from a keyboard it already has more options than any controller on the market to date...

besides the whole point of the wiimote is to get away from the mundane of more buttons with every new gen console... if anything i think they will just keep on making more unique but cheep plastic attachments to the combo we have already... which is fine by me i dont want to have to spend a buttload everytime a unique game comes out...

isnt a golf club,tennis racket,baseball bat,fishing pole,zapper... and everything else they have make it fun enough?
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wezeles said:
which is fine by me i dont want to have to spend a buttload everytime a unique game comes out...

isnt a golf club,tennis racket,baseball bat,fishing pole,zapper... and everything else they have make it fun enough?
What are you talking about dude, half the games only use the wiimote, and the rest are mostly ones with nunchuk, the only one that requires something else is guitar hero or DDR, and those are awesome games...

Anyways two controllers would be sweet, but the only thing I could see you needing for it would be a drums game, you can't use a nunchuk for that. But I dunno, I'd like to see how that'll go.
I think that would be an interesting concept.
If the pointers of the remotes were utilized some way in a game.

Before the Wii launched, there was a game that used two wii remotes to play drums on screen. I personally think that was a great concept.
Given more time, I think the uses for the wii remotes and even the nunchuck attachment will improve substantially.

I've read a number of articles that suggest the capabilities of the wii mote and nunchuck attachment can be very accurate. It just take longer to get familiar with the controls.

Eventually, who knows what kinds of ideas developers will come up with.
Yeah, the Wii has alot of potential, I wanna see what they do with it in the future.
that would be sick but, the only thing is no dev. even wants to take the time to make a decent FPS on wii, let alone customize it for dual wielding wiimotes.
Wiimoto said:
What are you talking about dude, half the games only use the wiimote, and the rest are mostly ones with nunchuk, the only one that requires something else is guitar hero or DDR, and those are awesome games...

Anyways two controllers would be sweet, but the only thing I could see you needing for it would be a drums game, you can't use a nunchuk for that. But I dunno, I'd like to see how that'll go.

i know that... im just saying for a uniqe experience id rather it be cheeper add on's... even GH3 we are gonna have one of the cheepest guitars because most of the electronics are in the wii mote itself that attaches inside the guitar... you dont have to buy an expensive wireless guitar itself like with the others...

The only thing i could see another wii mote adding is the IR but what games could you need that need two IR's?

maybe a FPS and you have 2 guns one in each arm "cross hairs being the IR of the wiimote" but that would be the only reason i could think of...
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yeah i am not seeing it as super practical right now. the main thing hindering it is a lack of an anolog stick on the wiimote itself which means if the game involved walking it would become difficult. it would mean using either tilt control for walking or the d-pad.
in my opinion though a dual wielding fps would be fun. i had a blast just doing target practice on wiiplay with two controllers.

ha i just had a thought. take the wii fit board and use it for strafing left and right. use A & B on the left hand for forward back and then have dual wielding IR and motion control. full body experience.... now i am getting ridiculous. although......
Some sort of tracked armoured vehicle game would be great with two wiimotes held vertically.. .. .. guns on the 'A' buttons.

Two swords in a hack 'em up?

How about some sort of photography challenge where one wiimote is a camera and the other the flash? [/joke]
I used two wiimotes when i was playing Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles and it was amazing, took a little bit to get used to but after that it was great gameplay.
Two Wiimote would be a FPS dream. So many times you wanted to shot in two different areas yet could not. You could with this set up. How would you move? Well the balance board! The anolog can be fused to the first Wii mote with so plastic. Actually if this was the case I would want the option for both controllers in a compact zapper form that is actually configurable. Which means If i want a gun handle or a stock i could just alter the shape. We also need a metal weight in the guns to give you a more gun like kick back while firing.

I wonder how long it would take them to just put a pointer in the chuck part and make it wireless? That solves every thing. And no this would be a very complicated set up so it would not sell to the tech challenged.

Shikes I'm liking that Wii mote mod! do you own that? Or is that just photo shop?
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I like the idea of adding the pointer to the nunchuck that would make it work quite well actuall. brilliant!

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