ok now I get what u asked...
A Mod Chip...
yeah theses "Pro Hackers" claiming to have a chip and software so you can "Back up" your Game...Yeah right...people who Buy software...Buy Hardware & may even Buy the service of a "Pro" to install said chip...and there Spending this Money "just for a back up" uh...yeah right...thats like asking a dope dealer if they do dope...and them trying to convince you that yes they Smoke But they never "inhaled"...
Making a copy of a lincenced product IS piracy
Theres a reason Copywrite Laws exist
I agree with mushroomedmario "with every update your wii takes one step closer to becoming messed"
The next Wii Update WILL detect any soldering points even if your Mod chip has an off switch...Agin USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.