Nintendo Aware Of Mod Chips

paintba||er said:
I thought that mod-chips were legal as long as you weren't playing illegal games on it.
anything that you do that cracks open the case and/or interferes with the hardware from its original design completely negates any and all warranties.

but you're right. the chips themselves aren't illegal, but they're rarely used for legal purposes.
Nintendo can't do anything about modchips. The location that they are installed to can't be affected by new firmware. Although Nintendo could have a trick up there sleeve, thats why the WiiKey's PROM can be updated via DVD setup disc. I guess only time will tell if I am correct or everyone else on this thread is. In the mean time I can play every NES, SNES, SEGA, Turbo Graphics game off one disc!
Good sides of chipping

- Imports
Good if your in the UK
- Home brew
There are some good games going round
- Emulators
Wow mame on game cube
- Can make it do things
A mate had a modded Xbox that was just like a pc (?) the Saturns speeded everything up and put UK games at full screen

- Waranty gone
Meh Nintendo arnt like Sony there consoles last
- Copys/bootlegs
As a collector I hate these things as they arnt worth anything
- Cant sell it in stores
Only if you want to
lol whoopy, ye offcourse they're aware. They won't do anything about it though. Why not? I hear you ask..

Well first of all, it boosts their sales ( and yes, they DO make profit on every console sold)

2nd, if they come up with something new, that will be hacked within weeks
But they dont sell any games and with the Dreamcast that was the only way Sega made money
I think it's 100% right for Nintendo to mess up your system if you chip it
It's Nintendos way of saying
'**** with us and we WILL **** you'

Perfectly fine I think...
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Wii_Smurf said:
I think it's 100% right for Nintendo to mess up your system if you chip it
It's Nintendos way of saying
'**** with us and we WILL **** you'

Perfectly fine I think...

I couldn't agree more too, if you try to cheat Nintendo you deserve to get owned by them, IMO there is no justification.

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