Wii Bashing

Sovieto said:
all the games you mentioned in the second last paragraph are ports, so therefore are not included as wiis good games.
The PS2 is still breaking sales records to date, and due to it's massive numbers that still shadow our current next-gen consoles the PS2 will probably continue to be developed for (as it will also still reach the PS3 market as well).

The Wii's potential success was very under-rated by most developers, and was a bit of "shock and awe". Games take time to develop, especially ones from scratch, so the best "quick fix" is to simply port games over as they did not anticipate such a massive success.

Give it a little time, I just don't see the Wii being a disappointment. :)

Sovieto said:
the wii is (as ive heard) a recycled last gen console in terms of games since it mainly gets ports.
Not really "recycled", as it does potentially pack more punch than the PS2 for example. The Wii seems "previous gen" compared to the powerhouse systems out today, however it's really just an optical illusion as it can be closer compared to last-gen than current. The Wii obviously went for the less expensive standard resolution (ie. lower resolutions) than the high definition consoles, therefore in theory, does not require as much needed power jump to compete.

This should mean that the Wii can play almost the same games as the 360 (maybe even the PS3) so long as the developers are willing to water down the intensity of the graphics. Simply put, by the time the 360/PS3 developers figure out how to take full advantage of the powerhouse systems current on the market Nintendo will probably already be leaping in to steal "first on the market" place of the upcoming next-gen consoles (which gave the 360 the edge this time around). Microsoft and Sony will probably still be dragging there feet when this happens, as each took a big bite of that "lost profit sandwich" trying to push there product to the masses.

Nintendo, on the other hand, has enjoyed a profit made for each console sold since it's release, so don't expect Nintendo to waste much time if there current console actually starts falling behind.

Consider it "two easy payments of $250 USD" when that time comes. :)
Yea, it really is ridiculous that we are having this conversation and people again and again are missing three very vital and important points.

First, the wii is less than one year old. Does anyone realize that? Almost never do the console defining games come out in the first year of the release. (NES-SMB3, SNES-Donkey Kong Coutnry/Mario World, PS2-Grand theft auto series). It just doesn't happen that way, game developers need to work with a console for a while, especially one with motion sensing, and get used to it.

Second, the wii is doing incredibly well in sales. Do not compare this console to the gamecube or even N64, which both suffered in sales. The N64 finished well behind the playstation, and the gamecube was blown away by the PS2, and fell to third. With the Wii's sales trends, it'll most likely be the top selling console, and game developers will take notice of that and build games for it.

Last, Nintendo is personally taking the initiative to go after mature games. Nintendo has aggresively pursued rockstar, and other game developers to release mature games, they've even tried getting the grand theft auto series. Nintendo is doing all it can to get mature games, and with console sales as they are, developers can't ignore this system.
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So the argument seems to be, "there are no mature killer apps for the Wii" and that's why it's game library is considered weak. So lets look at the games that are defining the other systems:

Gears of War for the 360. I've never played it, but I've read nothing but good things about it. Problem is, as mentioned earlier in the thread, that game didn't come out until the second year of the 360's life. What game has defined the system up until then? I'm not trying to be an ass, I just wonder what games came out in the first year of the 360's life that were considered "killer apps?" People mention Mass Effect and Halo 3, but neither of those is out yet and therefore can't be counted on as "killer apps" because there's a chance they may not be well received.

Resistance: Fall of Man for the PS3. Here's a launch title that has gotten very good reviews and is commonly accepted as a "killer app." Plus, this game, like Gears of War, is a brand new franchise. Still, other than Motorstorm, what games for the PS3 are "killer apps?" I mean, how can the PS3 be considered to have such a strong library off of two games? Is it because both of those games are "mature?" I don't know that you can call Motorstorm mature because in the end it's still just a racing game. Racing games appeal to a very broad audience. Warkhawk and Heavenly Sword have yet to be released so I don't know that you can count those two because if you do then you also have to count SSBB and Mario Galaxy. Lair was supposed to be a "killer app" but so far it hasn't gotten very good reviews.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii. Commonly accepted initially as a "killer app" for the Wii, but now scoffed upon becuase it started out as a Gamecube game. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for the Wii. Scoffed upon because it's a game about a character that has existed for years in Nintendo's library. Wii Sports for the Wii. Scoffed upon because it's seen as more of a tuturial type game to get people used to the controls as opposed to a "real" game, plus it's not "mature."

I just don't understand what the difference is?
Too bad games like Project H.A.M.M.E.R. and Disaster: Day of Crisis don't have much info released. Then we'd have some "killer apps" to talk about.

But I know exactly what you mean. There's no way to avoid Wii bashing. People will ignore facts like the ones you stated above because...they can. It's just like that.
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I think the Wii is on the right track with games like Red Steel (Hopefully a good sequel will come along), Metroid and the forthcoming Medal Of Honor 2. I think games like this show what the Wii can be good at. If people (mainly those that havn't played one, XBox/PS owners) can see past the party/kiddie games they'll see that the Wii can be a very good console for FPS/TPS games.

If people were to give those games a try they might see what all the fuss is about.

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